Anyone around here weightlifts/bodybuilds/works out?
Supplement Guru
not mi
_____________ sports sgboy2004
Supplement Guru
haha..y0u play soccer do'nt you?
Hi. I used to work out regularly but stopped recently as too much assignments and deadlines to be met.
What kinda of exercises do you recommend for getting cutting?
Supplement Guru
i see...yah i know it's a bit taxing on time..but you gotta make sacrifices in order to look good at the beach bro!
Supplement Guru
for cutting,i suggest wind sprints or slow jogging.
Wind sprints (Do 8 sets) :
This is very intense.Sprint for 20 seconds at your fastest speed,then slow down and jog slowly for 10 seconds.This is one set.Do 8 sets 3 times a week.
Slow jogging :
Do 40 minutes of slow jogging.Slow jogging is the kind of speed which you can 'mian qiang' keep up a conversation.Do this at least 3 times a week.
cloud^dreamer81 about training with weights? There's a saying that more weights and less reps trains for strength while less weights but more reps trains for cutting. Is it true?
Supplement Guru
that's a misconception.But indirectly,it MIGHT be true.You use up more calories when you do high reps,so in turn might help you burn more fats.So when you get more lean,you definitely will get more cut.But overall,I would still recommend lifting heavy and a maximum of about 12 reps.