CompromiseHold on, gentlemen. Remeber that our real enemy is the Malaysian government, not each other. We cannot afford to indulge in petty infighting amongst ourselves.
I believe that the best route to acheive a settlement is through diplomacy. We cannot allow the same mistakes of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. We must allow Prussia to come away from these negotiations with pride and dignity.
I suggest the following compromise:
1) Prussian missiles shall not possess offensive missiles systems exceeding the range specified by Xing Shiana.
2) Prussia shall not engage in WMD research.
3) Prussia will maintain an army of 1% in proportion to the size of its population. The army will be expected to be an all-professional force. Conscription will not be allowed. At no point in time should the army's manpower exceed the 1% cap limit. At this point in time, Prussia can have a standing army of 1.3 million.
4) Prussia shall not attempt to acquire any form of offensive missile artillery system (MLRS, BM21, etc.) It can be allowed to keep 155mm artillery, provided the range does not exceed 30km.
5) Prussia will be allowed to keep armoured divisions in the ratio of 1 Armoured/Mechanised division to every 5 Infantry divisions.
6) SENSE inspectors will be allowed total access to any part of the Prussian military/research complex, if Prussia is suspected to have violated any of the above agreements
7) The Prussian Navy will be allowed 100 surface combatants, divided into 2 fleets. It shall also be allowed to operate diesel powered submarines. SSN/SSBNs are strictly prohibited.

Prussia shall not be allowed to keep dedicated bombers with ranges exceeding 2000km (payload) w/o mid-air refuelling. Under this category falls heavy bombers such as the B-52 or Tu-16, and supersonic/stealth bombers such as the B-1 and Tu-142. However, Prussia can be allowed to possess medium-range strike bombers such as the F-111 and Tornado IDS, in addition to multi-role fighters which can perform in the strike/interdiction role.
In light of the recent tragedy, I further propose that a no-fly zone be established around Prussia's borders, to prevent future accidents.
I hope the following proposal is acceptable to all parties. Let us stive to obtain a peaceful resolution to this conflict and prevent it from degenerating into senseless violence.