Air Raids intensify over ReichlandKaiserLautern, Reichland (XNN) – Shortly following the announcement of Emperor Andreas Kaiser’s desire to abdicate the throne to royal cousin Ryan, the entire nation was rocked by a heavy, day long bombardment from SENSE cruise missiles and war planes.
ReichLand takes a sound whooping from SENSE airpower.The SENSE firepower in this largest of strikes to date was targeted at “military targets of opportunity” and consisted of a mixed force of Xing Shianan and Shingapooru air units and missiles. SENSE war officials indicated that the strikes did not have anything to do with the timing of Kaiser’s speech, though they stated that the timing was “ironic.”
Interestingly, no antiaircraft fire resisted the massive attack, which inflicted heavy damage all over the nation, among the targets destroyed were the Reichland University, several governmental buildings, communications hubs and power plants, leaving the entire nation without power or communications. Reportedly, military targets in Reichland had been independently sought out by the units conducting the strikes and destroyed with precision weapons to limit civilian damage.

A sequence of dramatic pictures showing a Reichland APC filled with soldiers being hit by a SENSE smart weapon. “It was surreal,” Said shell-shocked housewife Au Tung, “Across the street the warplanes or missiles struck and destroyed a camouflaged military barracks the army set up in the junkyard across the road, scattering parts of what looks like fifty, sixty soldiers all over the place, but our buildings were hardly touched. At another street, they killed one soldier standing at the street corner smoking with one of those small missiles that come out of the sky. Boom! He’s all over the place.”
SENSE war officials have confirmed that due to the success of previous missions in wiping out most of the targets, the amount of firepower launched in this blitz was sufficient enough that even individual military personnel could be considered as targets.
Some ReichLand soldiers are understandably distressed by this development. Several hysterical soldiers had to be hauled into ambulances from the local asylum following the air strikes.
“Surrender to them now!” Screamed one of the blood-splattered soldiers as he was being put in a straitjacket. “We cannot win! They’re gonna kill us all don’t you see? Listen to their demands! Save ourselves! Overthrow and kill the royalty! They caused all this!”
Makeshift military camps set up to base troops after the destruction of Reichland military camps were flattened by the SENSE blitz. Targeting of individual military personnel could be seen all over the nations, with scorch marks, bloody stains, pieces of burned combat fatigues and body parts a common sight all over the nation. SENSE generals have attributed this “marvel of precision” to Xing Shianan cruise missiles.
The latest assault is a big blow to what is already a virtually non-existent ReichLand military.