Life has been really tough in every sense of the word! Job has been really stressful after the restructuring. Still not sure if it a good idea to stay on but of course I do have my reasons for staying on. All my colleagues whom we could talk cock and complain about work has either been retrenched or left the company on their own accord. I guess having no one to kao pei can be quite stressful also.

Working under a different boss now. Expectations are different.
Something new has started in my life. The continuation of my education. Been wanting to do this a long time ago. Since Wendy is doing it I might as well use this as a motivation factor lor. It is tough! For those who has already earn their degree, I salute you! For those who earned it through part-time studies, I will salute twice lor. I really dunno how I can pull this off lor. Tonnes of reading up. Not to mention the assignments and tutorials. Its really imtimidating lor and its not funny. And because of my education I have incurred a huge financial burden on myself. This kind of added on to the stress level lor. Still looking forward to my increment which was promised to me. Sigh.....not sure if it will materialise or not also.

Well, I always believe that god is fair. Life may seems to be on the down side. Stress level may be high. BUT......I still have a blessed life!

Two people has contributed to my positive outlook in life. One of them, needless to say, its my precious baby of course. She has been the best thing that has happened in my life so far. Everything has been perfect. We often describe ourself as jigsaw puzzles. We fit perfectly together. I dun wanna bring you goose bumps with all the lovey dovey details. She is more than what I could ask for. Even though we haven't really spent quality time together but I just want her to know that I appreciate all that she has been doing for me. Every little details has not been taken for granted.
Bro! You know who you are. Obviously the second person is you. I know that life has been hard on you lately too. Hang in there man! This person is definitely more that just a friend to me lor. The bonding is strong and probably as thick as blood. I am thankful for, listening to my kao pei, being my housekeeper...etc...etc..etc.....I know that you will achieve whatever you desire in life and I believe in EJ Enterprise!

U know what I mean.
Thanks to all my friends too who have contributed in big or small ways. Pity that I might not be of help to some of my friends who needed me. Thanks to Sentosa outings and the gang from sgforums and came along with it. It has been my greatest form of relaxation so far.
I know I have a blessed life and so do you!