Pacing up and down in the office and being unable to concentrate in his work, Thaddeus was getting frustrated. The phone rang. “Yes?” He yelled into the mouthpiece. “Whoa, what’s the matter with you?” Joe said, caught in surprise of his sudden outburst. “Oh Joe, sorry, what’s up?” He asked, calming down as they spoke about the project. After hanging up, Thaddeus was still fidgeting. He took his mobile, and checked his messages. “Hi, Liz here, remember our date? I’ll be waiting for you at the coffee joint. See you at 10.”
He decided to call home and check if Rachel would like to go out for dinner. “Darling, you’ve forgotten? I told you last week that I’ll be leaving for Hong Kong in another hour for the seminar? Are you ok?” the concerned wife asked. Thaddeus was one who has a good memory; someone who never forgets special occasions and dates. “Oh, I totally forgot about it. Sorry dear. Was busy with the project. So you have a safe flight and called me when you’re settled, ok?” “Sure, remember to have proper meals. I’ll be back next week. Miss you already.” She giggled and hung up.
After talking to his wife, Thaddeus had a strong urge not to meet up with Liz. Though itÂ’s just coffee and nothing else, he didnÂ’t want to lead her on. He didnÂ’t want to hurt Rachel. Switching off his laptop and clearing up the mess on his table, he decided to take a stroll along Esplanade before grabbing dinner, even though he could jolly well drive there.
From the office to the Esplanade was only ten minutes walk, but it seemed forever to him. Racing across his mind was Liz’s message, Joe’s warning and his wife. Sitting down in a café near the waterfront, he ordered a pint of beer. Thaddeus knew he shouldn’t be thinking about Liz. He shouldn’t even harbor any thoughts about her, but deep down in his heart, he knew that he do have thoughts about Liz. ‘It’s just physical attraction,’ he thought. Indeed it is.
It was about nine thirty when he’s done with dinner and beer. He asked for the check and slowly walked back to collect his car. The phoned beeped. “Darling, I’ve safely reached my hotel. Am tired now, will call you tomorrow? Remember to collect your suit at the dry cleaner’s tomorrow. Love you.” He smiled.
As fast as the smile came, it was gone. There she stood. Long legs, short black skirt, kitten heels, and a pink knitted top, she looked like marvelous. With her long black hair pulled back, she showed off her sharp features with minimal make-up. “I didn’t want you to stand me up again. Called your office and the security said you left your car here.” ‘Oh god,’ he thought.
“Come on, let’s go.” She smiled and winked at him. “Err… where would you want to go?” Thaddeus asked, opening the car door for her. As she slipped into his BMW convertible, she said, “someplace quiet where we can be alone.” He adjusted himself as he heard that, and suggested, “Why don’t we ask Joe out too? He should be done with his dinner at his parents’ place.”
“Listen; is it really very uncomfortable for you to have coffee with me alone without him?” Liz said, clearly upset. Her advances to Thaddeus were pretty obvious.
“Look, I’ve a wife. I don’t want to hurt her and my best friend, Joe,” he said, “I’m not someone who fools around. You’re beautiful. You’ve no lack of men, so please stop whatever you’re doing to me.”
“What did I do to you?” she asked, flirtatiously. She placed one hand on his lap, caressing him, the other hand touching his chiseled face. He pushed her hands away. “Please, stop it, if not, get out of my car.” Thaddeus agitated with her and the situation that he’s in. “No man has ever rejected me like you did. Stop lying to yourself. You wanted me as much as Joe wanted me. I want you, not Joe, that night when we first met.” She stepped out of the car as she finished her sentence.
Without batting his eyes, Thaddeus drove away. He was very affected because he knew what Liz said was true. He wanted her so much. The desire was so strong that he could not curb.
Standing at the roadside alone, Liz thought, “You’ll be mine, soon.”
That's part 2 for u all. Didn't think it was as good as Part 1. But here it is anyway. Enjoy.