In Memories - The 'wonder' girlI figured that if I'm gonna be writing this, she should have easily figured out who I am by reading its content? And probably as easily recognises herself...
Ex... Not just ANY one... I've had countless EXs that I simply don't bother to keep the figure running on my mind anymore... But THIS ONE... The DEEPEST one...
She's not those pretty type of girl... She's witty and streets smart.. VERY CARING.. (Most of my gfs are quiet caring to me...

The 1st day (or rather night?) I met her was our plan to go SPARKS... She had a friend along.. Quite a pretty friend, but somehow I just don't have any interest in her... Instead my attention was all on J...
She's bubbly and talks alot...

She shown interest in me in the disco and I was pretty much feeling the same... There were simply so many 'magical' things which happened between me and her which I couldn't quite explain... After that was supper.. And called it a night.. But... Not the end of story yet...
Our 2nd meet up... We went East Coast Park... She told me that she and her ex often goes there for hanky panky stuffs... But DON'T try anything funny on her... She said it was only a normal meet up and she felt like going to the beach again... I rogered that told her I kinda miss the beach and sea too...
We reached... Walked along the beach.. Came to this spot where couples were kissing (and such?

).. We got seated on a beach... She was staring into the sea straight up front... So I was staring to my side... Along the beach with the sea waves... So beautiful was the moonlight which baths on the scenery... Then she hugged me. Started to taste my neck... BOY, was she HOT or what? Not to mention FAST??

I can sense that she was all HEATED UP... VERY 'hungry'... I was a little CONFUSED.. For it all happened TOO FAST... As fast as she started off, she quickly moved to unzip me...

Then she was TASING ME... YEAH... UP FRONT... My feeling back then was MORE of STUNNED than anything else...? Then I guess both of us were pretty heated up... Then the RA stuffs just kicked in.... Dot dot dot dot....
When we were done, I looked at her. She seems witty... Bubbly.. But never did I expect her to be SO HOT? She told me she don't just 'do it' with anybody else.. Especially to start off just like that.... It was a kinda 'special feeling'... I told her "Okie.. I believe you.." In fact I really do...
After a while of chatting, we took strolls along ECP again... Very long quiet night... Along a certain path, strangely enough fog from nowhere started to pour in.... Within a short moment, we were like in a mist of dream... Along this concrete path... Suddenly, all the people around us just seemed to disappear... And we were just walking.. And the path simply looked so familar... The scene.. Like we had done this together before.. Which obviously can't be it as we were only meeting for the 2nd time...
The rest of the night was followed by passionate kisses which lasted for around 4 hours or so...? YEAH... You heard it RIGHT... How time passes when you are kissing? Hehheh... And YES... It was NOTHING but just KISSES... Strangely enough, if you ask me now to simply just kiss for one hour... I would really wonder if I can do it??
We had a couple more of those 'flashback' things... Where suddenly there were simply no sound and no one seemed to be around us at all... The scene appeared blurrish white according to both of us... Twice in CLUBBING SCENES and ONCE at a foodcourt... There were other 'strange' things which happened during our being together which really made me believe that it was a VERY UNUSUAL relationship... I don't really believe in karmas and stuffs... But if there really is one? I guess this should be the CLOSEST I ever got to...?