Originally posted by Viper52:
Viper52 -> Nikon FM2 w/ 28mm, 60-300mm and 400mm lenses and recently a Nikon Coolpix E3100 digital camera. Still feeling my way around digital photography, but liking what I've learnt so far
Mostly shoot aircraft subjects (My No.1 love other than my wife). The highest point in my life as an amateur photographer was when I took photos and did an article for a foreign aircraft magazine a few years ago.
Below is a sample of my work: Picture is of a US Navy F/A-18 Hornet fighter I took back in 1998 on a visit to the aircraft carrier when she stopped by in Singapore. I like this pic because of the altered perspective which was achieved by half-kneeling (as opposed to standing) when I took the shot, and with the carriers bridge in the background, makes it look more imposing. Camera was a Canon EOS 500 with a 28-210mm lens.
If this pic has a downside, the light is kind of too harsh as the sun chose to pop out from a cloud the second I took the shot, screwing up exposure. Composition needs some work too IMO. Wished I had a more colourful subject to work with but most US Navy planes are shades of grey.
Opinions anyone?

well since u've pointed out the technical flaws i'll shut up. personally when i see these types of shots, technicality is the last thing i look at. these shots are akin to those photojournalistic shots of "moments" like war, famine, flood and drought. it's the impact and presence that woo the viewer, or me.
but hell i can't resist, i'll critique it from my amatuer point of view since u asked hahah.
since u shot this on film (no wb setting) i'm wondering why there's a reddish cast to the photo. shot in bright sunlight or even bright diffused sunlight, it shouldn't have this colour cast, would be more towards blue right? so were u using a filter?
i appreciated the angle, u captured it really well.. i'd say u were using the wider side of that zoom, around 30-40mm? perspectives are blown in a very stylish way.
one other nit, i think ur scanner isn't producing very good scans. or otherwise it could just be jpg compression, can tell from the gradient of blue in the sky on the top right corner. u didn't specify the speed of ur film, i assume it's either 50 or 100 which shouldn't produce those kind of effects in gradients.
u got some pretty big glass there! dunno much about glass yet, have yet to own my first SLR. interesting range of lenses u use, u dun have anything to cover 30-60mm (for your nikon). not even a normal focal length of 50?
i've always admired manual camera users. not too familiar with fm2 but does it have a meter? or do u have to carry a light meter around? eheh ok now i sound like a real amatuer.

digital is fun, especially the digital darkroom. there are die hard film aficionados out there that do not believe in any post processing at all but i guess to each his own. the digital darkroom is amazing! and in a way it does not limit to digital photography. with a decent scanner, u can scan ur slides and process away too!
hope to see more of ur work if you could, not many people have passion for planes AND photography at the same time. i know a user here (duotiga83) who would be totally enthralled with your photos. he's a plane freak!