Thanks all!
Now for my introduction.

I am a hobbyist photographer for six years now, and I originally started out with architectural photography. After that, my style changed, and I began enthralled by street photography and various forms of documentary. Unlike jOhO, I am not a professional photographer, because I do not make money via photography. Rather, photography is a passion of mine.
My main shooting interest now is
photoethnography. This type of photography is a unique category, as it involves the coverage of primarily cultural aspects of people as well as daily life in various regions. Sometimes, I do take photos belonging to the other disciplines, so do take a look at some of my other shots ya?

I would also like to mention humbly that I have won a few small awards in photography, such as various inter- and intra- school competitions and more recently the NUS Montage 2004 Competition. These achievements are really based on luck, as I still believe my photography still needs improving.

I am currently residing in Singapore. If anyone wants to arrange a photo outing, I am more than willing to attend one.
I wish everyone the best in their photography endeavours, and hope that my fellow mods welcome me as part of the family too!