thanx for the comments guys, and bear, am humbled, ur words are very encouraging. thanx bro!!!
was reading littlestream's comment on how it was hard to choose a favourite, maybe if anyone's bothered, i'll give a sypnosis on why i like the shot, i'm bored in the middle of the night with no one to chat with on msn anyway..ahhah

i took MANY of this frame even on two different days, and this was my favourite becos of the girl that was highlighted in the spotlight above the station as well as being in the same focal plane. this is actually one of my favourite shots in this whole series. the other images of this frame just wasn't communicative enuff, with pple everywhere, blurred or otherwise, or too many pple highlighted by the spot lights above.

this is quite honestly a quick snap shot, but was fluke that the timing was right to get her in between the two wheels of the bus. my friend that was with me unculturedly mentioned that it looks like a penis with two balls on the side, to which he got a slap on his head ahahha.. but then again he's not entirely wrong.. take note of the framing, i did it this way becos she was crossing the road and wanted to convey that feeling. had i did it conventionally (placing the girl at the bottom of the frame, i thot it would be a boring shot.

there are a tonne of newstands in HK and it's a shot that i can't don't take.

this is a contrast between old and new, with the old bus stop sign in the foreground and a new high rise in the background, so typical of HK. even the lighting has a contrast, warm (nostalgia) for the old, and cool (contemporary) for the new.

beautiful symmetry here, and of course, tunnels in HK are so common. i actually got my friend to drive closer to the right so that from the passenger seat, i'm placed right in the middle of the tunnel.

i don't know how to comment on this image except that i love the composition.

the friend i spent most of my time with, having a moment in the rear view mirror. thanx to martin for driving me around, it was great, as he's a photographer too! on the more technical side, this image is very blur, due to a slow shutter speed and movement in the car (check out the out of focus lights ni the background, they should be circles, not ellipses). goes to show not every shot has to be sharp to be good. this is another favourite of mine in this series.

it's great how they bothered to liven up the barrier with colours.

this is one of the camera shops that is very popular in mong kok, more of a record shot in case any of my photographer friends wanted to know wat it looks like to buy stuff there. it's generally cheaper in HK.

lovely colours, took me a while to get the composition right, i was there for a good 2-3 mins using different angles and positions such that the storekeeper was puzzled as to what exactly i was shooting! one thing to take note is that these things weren't still, it was moving about in a slight breeze and i only wanted ONE of the flower thingies to face the camera, so had to wait for the right time.

martin having a smoke. nothing more nothing less. love the simplicity of this shot.

these arrows intrigued me! all over the walls in the MTR stations. love the colour combination , green and yellow. love the contrast of the square multi-coloured mosaic with the solid circle and arrow.

girl walking thru tunnel, zoom effect was done while shooting, not in post process.

arr.. this controvertial shot.. i just like her vibrant character, dressing and background.

must shoot view from the peak. quite honestly, nothing special, a tonne of such images everywhere, but i needed one for myself. it was a great view!

don't ask me why i shot this, i just saw it, framed it, shoot one, and continued walking. sometimes it's like that, u see u shoot, u dun think and u like what u shot.

at the cafeteria at Disneyland. wished i had a wider lens. this is one occasion where the right equipment is needed. most consumer digicams won't be able to shoot this. if u go there u will know wat i mean, u won't be able to fit everything in even if u were lying on the ground. exposure was tricky here.. thank goodness for an LCD screen.

what we call a postcard shot. quite honestly postcard shots are EASY to take, no brainer here, just saw the marching band and snapped. u could do it with any camera and get the same shot! just do it at the right time. note: blue skies are RARE in hongkong!! so i was lucky!

of all the characters in this store, i chose to shoot this one. dunno why.. it just looked silly!

this is actually a BAD shot.. becos of the smoke. fireworks are sometime like that.

another must shoot shot! i did a stich of two images
here. it's for you littlestream! you might have seen it in my blog already. taken from harbour city rooftop carpark in tsim sha tsui.

this was EXTREMELY tough to shoot, i was standing on a railing to get the height becos i wanted to show all the pple walking around. grey-uniformed police (those that book you for littering) were eying me up and down, while Martin was holding on to me so i don't fall over!

plenty of such alleys in HK. another tough shot, very dark, hence a very slow shutter speed. i dragged a nearby table to use as a make shift tripod. don't ask me why there's a table in the alley. i don't know either!

Asymmetry at it's best. love the spiral effect.