i sit at the edge of the world
swinging my legs out below
staring down to my eternal fall
chain-smoking to endless marlboros
we lived together as one,
over a 800 days period.
sweat blood tears and cum
tearing ourselves apart before the other is hurt.
we had our best days,
we had our worst
picnic in a grass field in the midst of May,
sitting by your hospital bed,with my heart about to burst.
we had breakfast at tiffany's
we had dinner cooked at home,
sharing a pack of maggi mee,
or pizza delivered by the phone.
the 1st night i took you,
with your friend sleeping beside our bed,
the last nights i missed you,
sleeping alone in that bed instead.
when we kissed ever so violently
and you loved me so deep
i sucked your soul outta your body
the gash from my wrist does bleed.