Had been talking abt the Sin Kee chicken rice ever since dunno when..

so, we are finally going to eat it.. kekeke
Due to some reasons, we had decided to push the date forward to 18 Aug (Wed). Kindly note the change in date and reconfirm ur availability.Date:
18 Aug (Wed)Time: 6.00pm to 6.15pm (Meet at queenstown mrt control station)
Venue: Sin Kee Chicken rice
1. ratinacage (navigator)
2. coolger03 (co-organiser)
3. tare (east side mei nu cum organiser)

4. eutjin
5. M©+square
6. pipi & poot-poot
7. origami (east side hunk)

8. devilangel77
9. bufpuf
10. TX
1. BaByBoY
2. Axelheat755
3. Don
4. yunzhongzhi
5. MoonIce
6. browniebaobao

7. BeEtHoVeN
8. fishing7
* Disclaimer: participants are welcome to go for la kopi session after makan. However, organiser may choose not to go...