I dream of your touch while you are away,
I dream of your smile all through the day,
I remember the day,
You came into my life,
I dream of the day I will be your wife.
I dream of the day I can fall asleep next to you,
I dream of the day I can say I do.
To be your wife,
To be together for life,
Is a dream I have,
Every night.
A Love For All Time
Breathless kisses
Burning touches
Soft-spoken words of love
Urgently spoken words of passion.
A man and a woman
One complete love
Since time began
Predestined to be as one.
We've been together before
In other lifetimes
We've fought dragons
And have been torn from each others arms
Yet our love prevailed.
We've walked on this earth many times together
Perhaps for a moment
Perhaps for years
But our heart is one heart
And we were meant to be.
So when our time on earth
Once again comes to a close
Have no worries my dear
For we will find each other again
And again
And again.
For our love is ageless
A love for all time.
When I look into your eyes
I see heaven
When I kiss your pouting lips
I taste heaven
When I hold your hand
I feel heaven
When I'm in your arms
I'm in heaven
Truly you are my heaven
My Sweetheart
So often when I am embracing you,
It seems that you exist in this world
only because of me and I exist because of you.
It's not easy to wander in this world
and not lose one's way,
but the greatest happiness of all
is in giving joy to one's beloved.
And if the king can have his throne,
and if the bird can have his Spring nest,
and God can have his heaven,
then I, my sweetheart, I can have you!
Sometimes at night, when I look to the sky,
I start thinking of you and then ask myself, why?
Why do I love you? I think and smile,
because I know the list could run on for miles.
The whisper of your voice, the warmth of your touch,
so many little things that make me love you so much.
The way you support me, and help with my emotions,
the way that you care and show such devotion.
The way that your kiss, fills me with desire,
and how you hold me with the warmth of a blazing fire.
The way your eyes shine when you look at me,
lost with you forever is were I want to be.
The way that I feel when you're by my side,
a sense of completion and overflowing pride.
The dreams that I dream, that all involve you,
the possibilities I see and the things we can do.
How you finish the puzzle that lies inside my heart,
how that deep in my soul, you are the most important part.
I could go on for days, telling of what I feel,
but all you really must know is my love for you is real.
My Princess ; My Wife
For My Dear Wife,
On This Usual Day;
I Write You This Poem,
In My Own Special Way.
I Wanted To Tell You,
In Words Of My Own;
You're The Most Precious Person,
That I've Ever Known.
You're The Prettiest Girl,
Than Any I've Seen;
Your Body Is Flawless,
So Slender And Lean.
Your Eyes Have That Sparkle,
That I Can't Live Without;
One Day Without Them,
And I'd Die-There's No Doubt.
And I Just Lose Control,
When I Glance At Your Hair;
Those Curls Are Just Stunning,
So Perfect And Rare.
You're The Most Caring Person,
That I've Ever Met;
There's No One Like You,
And That-I Can Bet.
What Attracts Me The Most,
Is Your Sweet And Kind Touch;
You're A Gift Sent From Heaven,
And I Love You So Much.
So Hold Me As Close,
As You Possibly Can;
'Cause Now And Forever,
I Am Your Man.
A Table Set For Two
Candles flicker softly on a table set for two,
There's no one on the earth tonight except for me and you.
A nice romantic dinner and a bottle of chilled wine,
And we are here together in a moment stopped in time.
A love so few have ever known and this is it's birth night,
Alone within our little world, you and I and candlelight.
So soon we will set free the feelings that we want to share.
And I am held here spellbound by your laughter in the air.
Thoughts of love like falling leaves,
Swirling in the autumn breeze,
Flow in our minds and in our eyes,
A tender look and longing sighs,
We touch and as the fire starts,
That we have kindled in our hearts,
We kiss and hear the angels sing,
As heavens gift to me you bring,
No more to live my life alone,
And in your soul I found my home,
At peace within your loving arms,
Captivated by your charms,
And happily I'd die for you,
Here at this table set for two.
What I Love About You...
The sparkle in your eye,
The warmth of your skin.
Your breath on my neck,
That quivers within.
The touch of your hand,
The smell of your hair.
The kindness in your smile,
That strength in your stare.
Your kiss on my lips,
Your body near mine.
The stroke of your touch,
That feeling inside.
The sound of your voice,
Compassion in your embrace.
The serenity in your stride,
The power in your face.
The calming of your presence,
The beating of your heart.
The promise of tomorrow,
That we may never part.
The beauty of your kiss,
and that magic in your touch.
It is for all these reasons and more,
Why I love you so much.
How You Love Me
You are the sun that always
seems to brighten up my day.
You are my shining star above,
perfect in every way.
No matter where I am, what I do,
or what I try to say,
One thing always stays with me -
how you love me in that way.
Keeper of My Dreams
When you're not here to share my days and nights
My life is so incomplete
For you are my heart, my soul
The ‘oneness’ I had known to seek
Without you I merely exist from day to day
With you I know that I will find
All that I have been searching for
My completeness, my eternal peace of mind
You are the keeper of my dreams
The man who holds my heart in his hands
The one I want to spend my life with
The one with whom I will always stand
Stand beside through thick and thin
Through all that life will throw our way
Knowing that this special love we share
Will guide us, each and every day
This journey was started long ago
Before this time and place
The journey of completeness
As two hearts and souls embrace
Forever is what I want with you
For the search is at an end
Our hearts have found each other
As lovers, as soul-mates, as friends.