Official Record Name List Millennium One of the most respected 'Lao Jiao' in forum. Steady style with preference for the vocab 'Tamade'. Known widely around for his love on mahjong.
FATnUGLYAnother respectable 'Lao Jiao' inside sgforums. Was supposed to share similar post counts as Milli-san, but inteliigence gathered revealed that a suspected bug might have lowered the actual counts.
CenturionMBTFirst volunteer Moderator for Speaker's Corner. Founded the 'Military Nutz' forum together with Orcishwarrior, Silenthunter, and Viper52 to seperate Miltary related discussions away from Speaker's Corner. Posting style is commented to be fair and unbiased.
Xiao Long Nu 70 years old Lady, cooks curry around here, typically dangerously armed with her infamous Chopper.
AngelDarkOfficial Gravekeeper in SNTC. Bites back when tail is being stepped on. Aka AD.
Devil1976Known for his peaceful approach & composed attitude towards any flamings. Pretty science savvy guy. Can expect a bit of twisted but harmless and humourous contents from him at times.
Si|verger Car Fanatic & Cheong Shen, Unfortunately, also the most common victim & target of most scandals in here.
Xavier1979Level headed & mature thinking Moderator. Better known for his soft & peaceful stance over most issues. His trademark = 'The Sentimental Fool'.
CallanFantastic Poet, classified by some as a big Buaya.
Zacken99 Official Feng Shui Consultant in forum, skilled in Ba Zi, name reading, word deciphering.
FireIceSelf professed 'Paranoid' Lady. Commonly refered to as the Fish. Armed with a lovely atitude towards PC breakdowns..
Sgboy2004 Another big Buaya in here. Has many personalities. Common ones are policeman, weatherman, devil etc..
Duotiga83Number One Plane Fanatic, particular love fighters planes.
jOhOMature Graphic Designer who amazes everyone in here by his unparelled non need to sleep.
E|mo Lollipop crazy CEO of SNTC ---@. Sometimes known to be a boy or girl depending on her whims & fancy at irregular times.
ParkaAspiring cartoonist. Known for beginning his post with a '
Yunhaier Known around as a good story teller. Typically associate with long posts bearing comforting or counselling related contents.
wwwOrganizer and creator of the 'Sentosa Outing' chain. Creative with words. A rather strong advocate of healthy lifestyle. Take note of his ever changing ' Thay Khaw' series.
Wendy81A prominent individual who also commands many 'Wendy' threads. Resides primarily in the Bar forum. Little other wise known at the moment by Spear. Appreciate info from her clicks for further update.
kohanson Formerly known as Re[B]irth, and hence is also a 'Lao Jiao'. Regular poster and DJ. Initial D fanatic and the head of the 'Singapore Initial D Alliance' forum in here. Warm and easy-going fellow.
Oldman Another early pioneer of sgforums and rare remainder. Has weathered thru his fair share of storm. Like Milli-san, another avid mahjong lover and outing supporter. Maybe found mostly in Chit-chat nowadays.
ChurraThe First ever premier member of Sgforum. Lively and bubbly girl, and appears to be a great appreciator and vindicator of the feminine related issues. Her posting style encompassed on more of a ‘Facilitator’ role rather than lead in the forums. May be found in basically all forums.
Hello Kitty A former early ‘star’ of the forum. Humorous girl who is rather well liked by the rest during her time. Current under MIA status.
Evil Clown Mysterious individual who dun really post much. Probably a secondary nick used in conjuction with another primary nick. Posting style comprises of a warp but funny sense of humor. Probably the first generation of the ‘Sgboy2004’ prototype model.
Okay. That's all I can recall for now. Pls advise further & I'll update this another time.
(Originally posted on 10 February 2003 · 04:24 PM by Spear)
(First update by Spear on 27 April 2003 · 12:26 PM)
(Second update by Spear on 2 May 2003 . 11:46 PM)