Times have changed...
Parents sometimes are dead wrong.. and if they hold on to the nonsense of "because I am your elder, I am right", it will always lead to disaster.
Look at our nation's lea-duhs. They play "parents" and we, the citizens, those who they are supposed to serve, are treated as little children who can never know better than them.
The result is a nation full of people who will just follow.. resigned to just following orders else they will be punished.
In a family, if the child is not heard, and reasoned with, and forced to follow the words of the parents without question, the child will grow up unable to think for himself if the child does not have a strong inborn character. Anything spirit in the child would be broken and the rebuilding may take a lifetime.. some never repair the damage. They will never be able to stand up for anything that is right, even if in their hearts, they know they are right.. they would just surrender.
That, would be a total failure of a parent.
Originally posted by foga:
smtimes adults do know things better.
key is, dun quarrel with your parents, you'll hurt them.