Dear Diary.
Here I am... back again after a "long" absence? Many things have happened during this period, but I lived on as normal. Everyone lived on as normal. The continuation of economic downturn here, SARS, Gulf war saga, etc, etc. So far none of those hit me or my family & friends hard & I am glad & grateful.
I have RE-read what I have written in this "forums" & found it rather amusing & funny. 23 years of age & yet there are times I do not think before I "type". I missed those days where I get to squabble about everything other people's "log" in here. I virtually commented back on whatever they put in here.
Whatever's done is done. There is nothing I or anyone can do about it. So long as we all learn something out of it, I can say "It has not been done in vain..." No point blaming "Who's fault" or say "Shld have done dat"...
I have also started to notice something: "Why in the past I kept lamenting about my uselessness when I should be glad I have virtually everything I need?" Food, shelter, family, friends, "work", luxury, peace. All these are not that present in other countries... Countries of poverty, countries of un-inhabitable conditions, countries at war...
Maybe someday I can finally have the resolve, determination & power to make a difference? Minor or big, as long as I can make a significance, its all I care about. Someday I will tell everyone how lucky we all are compared to those who are not. The poor, sick, weak, aging, disabled, unfortunate... Tell everyone to help them...
When I have those 3, perhaps I can help them a little... When? I do not know... But as long as I live, as long as the sight of them, their helplessness makes my heart ache, I WILL help them... Hopefully I can still remember what I "log" in this diary.
I also put it here to send you people a message: If you have all you need. the ability to "post" here and in a way some "problems" to lament & complain, be fortunate you are not 1 of those who REALLY need help... Be grateful for what you have & cherish everyone around you.
You people may not know this, but we are heading towards a future of decaying, a future our next generations cannot have the luxury we all now have. May we find peace in ourselves...