something has happened again..
i am so upset..
but its not impossible to solve
i jus hope tat we will survive like we did before
we are always quarrelling over little things..
i agree with u tat something must be done and we must think if this relationship is worth all the pain..
to me it is.. u are worth much much more then tat.. much more..
i promised u that i will give u the time..
i know tat if u are the one, u will come back to me
i love u dear.. i reallie do..
even though we are still together..
there is a gap between us now..
i duno wat to do and i dun even know if there is anything to do in the first place..
i am not talking abt physical closeness..
i am talking abt the type of connection tat a couple shld have..
we had it once.. now.. i dare not say
i jus hope tat everything will be better..
or i will jus have myself to blame.. to cry to
cos she will no longer be there for me..
i hope it will not end up tat way..
i reallie hope not..
sigh... all the best bah... give it ur best shot man...