I studied today! Can you believe that? I actually studied today!!!

Hahahaha, well, i did spend 5 hours on one book, glancing through most of the chapters, realising that my notes are incomplete, and fretting about exam, but i actually got through two to three chapters and (the amazing part :arrow

i actually understood it!!! (Well, most of it anyway...) Now don't you laugh, it's not nice to laugh at another's accomplishment! And believe me you, it IS an accomplishment, to me at least... Though wat the heck, I actually managed to study!!! Gosh~ Still can't get over that!
Was walking to westmall today, it was drizzling, and i though i had the answer i needed... It all just felt right, in place, comforting... Just felt nice... cold, but... felt right. Once i step into the mrt shelther, the rain poured! It was like the rain held out for me, waiting for me to get into the shelther before it's release. Normally, I'd love to have danced in the rain, ok maybe not dance, strolled more like. Especially with the thunder and the type of slashing rain today, but i was meeting a friend, and i dun especially fancy meeting a fren drenched. Not in my normal state of mind anyway.
Then... I wasn't so sure of my answer anymore. It's just like a gamble, want to, but am hesitant to, never quite sure where i stand, never quite sure wat i want. The win is not that fantastic, but i never liked to lose, and i never lose. Either i bet and win or i leave the table, but sometimes, i just get tempted, and play the game even when i know i have a lousy hand and will lose anyway. Just for the thrill of it, maybe? I don't know. I lost the game, but walk away with some wisdom, some insight. That why i never lost. In fact, no matter what you do, in this big
big game called life, you can never ever lose. You'll do well to remember that, but then when the payment gets painful, even i'll need a lil' reminder too~! I hope i get the answer soon, it's really driving me crazy, or maybe i should just forsake my initial bet and leave the table. At least that way, i'll have a peace of mind. Right? Though i do wonder if i will regret that i do, coz then, i wouldn't know wat might have happened and wat lesson i'll gain.
Long entry. As usual. Crazy me. Am gonna go try study!!! Maybe i'm not that hopeless after all. Gonna start my counters again!
2 days then hallowe'en
3 days to birthday
4 days to comedy on chn 8 (life's sad enough already, be grateful for a laugh :twisted

5 days to start of exam
9 days to end of exam
10 days to hols!!!