Break week officially starts now~! Darn, but life is good!!! At least for now~! I haven't really been attending lessons, still find that school is taxing, and I do wonder why...
Quited my cca a few weeks back, don't ask me why, it was just an impulse thing. Purely spur of the moment. Never really regretted. Anywayz, think i'm getting a cd for my last contribution! If is a jazz cd, would be so coolz, since I really wanted the one that's recently out!
Oh right, I found the name behind the number... You see diarina, I had been getting these forwarded sms-es, and they helped quite abit! It's just this waking up 6+am and getting an sms that have nothing to do with any obligations I suppose. A cute or heart-warming sms can mean quite abit I've learned! I was so guilty, coz I thought I lost an old friend's number, turned out I never got THAT number from my friend...

I just sniped a can of beer from the fridge. It was exactly like I remembered it, bitter and... well, bitter~ The first time I tasted that stuff, I was barely out of kindergarden. I still recall, it was new year i think, mistook the cans of beer for soft drink, and pestered my mom for it. She did warn me, but knowing me... Anyway, I took this huge greedy gulp and immediately regretted~! Swallowed it the same, was my pride I suppose. Ever since then, I never touched that stuff again... Until last hallowe'en...
Was celebrating with this grp of people, and they bought liqueur. I drank one or two shots and regretted it for a week after, coz I broke out in zits very terribly... and when I say very, I mean
VERY! Then until tonight, I dunno what made me reach out for that can, like recently, I dunno wat i'm doing or why, at least I survived and have not yet compromised any of my personal believes or morals... Well, except that alcohol part

and I really wish and hope, i won't suffer another bout of zits invasion. About the beer, I finished it...
Well ok, I took a long time to finish it~! It was bitter, but slowly all you can taste is the gas. Then it'd seem as though the taste change, sort of sweet, yet at the sametime, tough. Like bittersweet chocolates, takes a little getting use to, but once you start, you know the meaning of it is completely changed for you! It's bitter, yet almost but not at all sweet, very over-whelming. Just like life... The beer goes down cold, but warms the belly, travels up to the throat and to the back of your throat. Makes you feel like throwing your head back to cool it down! The bitterness of the beverage seems to go straight to the heart, or at least, somewhere near there! Takes the focus away from the pain in the heart for that very moment. In fact, it covers almost every emotions there, loneliness, ache, desolation, pain, almost everything- replaced by that warmth sensation...
Now I can truely understand why people drink to forget their troubles. At least I think I can... understand, I mean... Well actually, I think I've quite changed my opinion of that nasty stuff. Still it doesn't mean I'm going to be drinking it right? I hope not... On second thoughts, gimme the zits

Then again... erm... I'll take mountain dew over that any day

So, bye bye zits?
