I don't know whether to laugh or cry... Recently had been feeling very drained and tired, yet at the same time getting insomnia

Was in the same state of mind a few hours ago, so decided to clear my room.. Started ard midnight, until now, I haven't even got 1/4 of it cleared, in fact, I made a much bigger mess of it then before... Now the entire floor of my room is covered with papers... My new carpet

I am such a pack rat. That is why I am in such distress now...
I found an old file, several files actually, but one in particular that I could not let go. In it were all notes and letters from my old classmates, namely from her only...

I read through everything and I felt like crying, like all the hundreds of thousands times when I think about the past. Yet somehow, just now, the tears wouldn't come... Is that a good thing diarina?
When I read the letters she wrote to me during class, emotions surged through me, waves after strong waves... I laughed, hoped, wished, feared, pondered and almost cried when I read what we wrote, that long time ago... Still can remember the times when during class, instead of listening to lessons, we were writing letters and really A4 sized pages and pages of words to each other, other times passing notes or changing seats with our classmates so we could talk during those boring lesson or when everyone else was too busy with their ten-year series to bother about us...
I still cannot let go of the past, of my own stupidity and insecurity, of losing something I would never hold again... I feel like throwing this particular file out, should I? If I do, would the wounds in my heart heal? What am I supposed to learn from all that? I know what I learned from our times together is that between friendship and romance, choose friendship...

But is that what I am truely supposed to glean from that experience?
I thought I had healed or am beginning too... Still when reading the letters, I can feel the confusion, turmoil and longing deep inside of me... The hopes are still there, with the memories and the tears- would they ever go away? In my heart now, I still have this pang of... I don't know... longing? wishing? dreaming the impossible...? maybe just common guilt or anger...? Most likely, friendship. Goodness, am crying while tying, hope my mom doesn't wake up now...

It's almost three years now, I still cannot let it go... I wonder why

I often hear about her, from our ex-classmate. She's been getting on fine, I heard, changed a lot...

Good for her I supposed. She never told her mother of what happened btwn us. Her mother thought we were still in contact... Still best friends...
I don't know why I'm telling you this diarina... It did help, as aways, feeling a lil better, but sometime later, I start feeling worse again... I hate being ths way... All I want to know diarina, is whether I should keep the file or hrow it away...? I cannot bear to have my past and all the pain raked up fresh everytime I see the file, yet I canot bear to so ruthlessly throw away one of the most beautiful part of my past... What should I do diarina? tell me...?

Trapped in pain'