
Today was great!!!

The paper I thought contributing 70% to the actual result, actually only weights 25%

Meaning, even if I flunk the entire paper, I'll still pass the module, how good is that???

Which I'm certain I can score at least 10 mks out of this paper, coz I actually understood the questions

Then after the paper, I went with my friends to BK to study, the one in IMM, coz the one at westmall was too crowded

And guess what, I actually studied for the saturday paper!!!

How rare is that!!!

And I completed an entire chapter

So proud of myself, so much so that it doesn't quite matter it took me a whole 2 hours to understand the chapter, but at the very least, I know what it's talking about!

The unfortunate thing is, for this last paper, it's 3 books (Ok fine! So it's only 2 1/2

) and that's like 50+ chapters

so I'll need 100+ hours to cover all?

Although the saddest thing of all, this paper consists of 60% so unless I want to repeat (Which I
don't) I'll have to pass it... erm, and coz I flunk the presentation, I'll have to work harder...?

I just reach home! Walked home from IMM. Through that green field, the sky was dark just now, adequately so, and I could see quite a number of stars winking at me from above

The moon is waxing, full on next wed or thur, and it's already half moon now, so beautiful!!! Even the buildings seem right, coz their lights gave the field a slight orange cast, and a feeling of optimisim and hope for life! They just mowned the field today, and while walking home just now, the smell of the fresh-mown grass was so strong, and so pure! And the songs of the cricket only added to the cacophony of nature

I've always been alone, as long as I could remember... That is perhaps why every chance I have now, I'll be very dependent, lean heavily on others, coz I feel if I do not do so, they will leave me alone again, even though with them around I still am alone... I hate feeling lonely, yet it is the main emotion ruling my heart, since I was a very very young girl. I've always knew and I have gotten hurt over a lot of things, taht is why I indulge in my dreams, bcoz' even when I get hurt I knew I had a whole lot more than the other girls, coz they do not have the dreams (and through that- experiences) that I have... Yet tonight was one of those rare nights that I do not feel lonely... Alone but not lonely, wat a wonderful feeling it is!

Counting down to end of exams
1 day standing~ (Sheesh~ how do you study for 3 books in a day?

