On behalf of froggie(whom I presume he had way too much of food to type a Thank You thread), we THANK YOU for coming to the very good turnout today at Sentosa, dinner at Maxwell Market and finally the takan session @Mr Bean's.

The weather is absolutely great, sunny and no signs of rain. Great to see so many ppl enjoying a game or two playing beach volleyball, quite a number new faces as well.
And the increasing number of ladies donning Bikini just keep rising! They certainly turned up the already hot weather into furnance.

Great to see some old pals like Cwill and Oldman turing up for this one too. Understood that it's Cwill's first homecoming to Sentosa since he's away from Singapore for so long.

If The Sentosa outing is a great success today then the Takan Session @Mr Bean's puts the icing on the cake!

The initial idea is to lim some drinks and do the usual chit chat thingy but as it turns out, Origami suggested playing Zhong Ji Mi Ma and it's full throttle from there.
We were pondering what's for forfeit and in the end... snacks(tons of them!), fries, calamari and even Bread made it to the list! hahaha.. we thought it's the last of the forfeit when we were bemused to find Gary supplying a new packet of Bread.
ALL the WILLING participants got at least a forfeit but honourable mention have to go to froggie/STHU & gal gal for eating most of the stuff placed as forfeit.

Perhaps, we should continue this Zhong Ji Mi Ma thingy as our default After Sentosa session.

Thanks too to the Bear and occasionally STHU for the photo takings. (Please allow the bear to 'develope' them before it's distributed to those who attended.)
Thanks too to Estee for the Chapalang Salad. Thou many of us wasn't aware of it but for those who did... man, it was Yi Chee Bang!

And finally... we hope to organise another outing to Sentosa in two weeks time and hopefully turnout would be even larger than today's!

THE SENTOSA REVIVED 5 TRILOGY:Part One: Tripped-Out @Sentosa(Attendees not in order of who's wearing less, gender and height.)

- Ang Moh(Stefan) & Friend, Kit
- Anthony(erijazz's friend)
- BÃ¥seline
- BeNo
- Blur Queenie Jo formerly known as JoJo-Ice
- Churra
- Cwill
- Desmond & GF(Tonytan's friends)
- Devon
- eddiewls
- erijazz
- Estee
- Eutjin
- froggie
- gal gal
- Gary
- joker105
- Marcus(erijazz's friend)
- Meowsusan
- MoonIce
- Nelstar
- Oldman
- Origami
- p|gGyPeN + 1
- Realitybites
- Sg1
- Shutthehellup
- s|nNeD
- the Bear
- tare
- Tonytan
- www
Estimated attendees: 35! 
Apologies if I left out anyone, let me know and I'll update it.
Part Two: Feasting @Maxwell Market:- BÃ¥seline
- BeNo
- Blur Queenie Jo formerly known as JoJo-Ice
- Churra
- Cwill
- eddiewls
- erijazz
- Estee
- Eutjin
- froggie
- gal gal
- Gary
- joker105
- Oldman
- Origami
- Realitybites
- Sg1
- Shutthehellup
- s|nNeD
- the Bear
- tare
- Tonytan
- www
Apologies if I left out anyone, let me know and I'll update it.
Part Three: Eat this, Eat that @Mr Bean's- BÃ¥seline
- BeNo
- Blur Queenie Jo formerly known as JoJo-Ice
- Cwill(With his group of friends at another table)
- erijazz
- Estee
- froggie
- gal gal
- Gary
- jOhO
- Origami
- Realitybites
- Shutthehellup
- s|nNeD
- tare
Honourable and worthy winners:
froggie/STHU & gal gal

Man... I'm shacked but it was worth it.
Thanks ALL again for attending this one. See you all soon at the next one! And for those who wanna join us, do put ya nick in the forth coming thread.