completely cannot make it.
the first part, which is done by a jap director makes you go "oh. like that ah." at the very end. wasnt very creepy actually.
the second part, which is what u see on the above. basically, its all on the trailer itself.
the last part (korean), which is the best of all IMHO but aint too sure why it ends like that.
i'm not sure if this movie is categorised as horror flick but i wont name it as one.
My Rating: 2 outta 5

as compared to three (extreme), this is far better. perhaps because it is given a longer showtime to brings you more thrill.
those whom have watched the ring probably gives u a sense of de javu.
the "ghost" in this movie is a lot more audacious (guai lan). unlike most other horror movies where only a few people are involved, this one doesn't give a sh|t about showing it's power even when it comes to national television.
but the ending aint too satisfactory to me. i thought they could have easily done better with the last 5 minutes.
and the ringtone is really cute.
My Rating: 3.5 outta 5