Originally posted by www:
am i right to say that:
- most only-child would prefer to have an elder sibling?
- most youngest child in the family would prefer to have someone younger to show their care?
wad about the eldest ??
i'm the eldest among the sibling ... hw i wish i haf a elder bro .. some1 who i can tok to and share my prob wif .... i haf two younger sibling although we lived 2gether in 1 unit we dun tok at all.... if we tok... nt more than 5 minutes or so we will start quarelling.... when they r young i alway brought them to play and buy things for them but not now they had changed they totally forgetten hw i treat them in the past they dun even respect mi as an sister to them ...
my parent dotes them as mcuh as mi.. i'm nt jealous but my own eyes and feeling tell mi that ..