here's a recount of wat happened:
went to my usual doctor downstairs my house, straight away he ask me go tan tock seng A&E i was like WTF?!!?! so ok lor.. go lor..
go there liow, took my temperature 50 times and blood pressure another 100 times, then got x-rayed.
xray come out nothing, so A&E doc decide to ward me.. i was like WTF??!! (part 2) he said so that tomorrow morning can do MRI scan (watever the fark that is...)
so i sleep there for the nite. on my left, an old man was dying, behindme someone was sleep talking, in front of me, he was making noise like he had 50 litres of phlegm stuck in his throat. i was thinking, i'm not sick, but after staying here one nite, i sure come out sick one..

so anyway, after being woken up a few times that nite, once to check blood pressure and temp (AGAIN!), another time for doc to examine my knee, then ANOTHER doc came to examine my knee. i asked the second doc, i thot there was one doc that came already to see my knee? how come my knee became celebrity overnight ar, everyone wanna see? then she told me he's just a houseman, she's the real doc. yeah as if i give a sh[/i]it?

so ok i woke up, and got wheelchaired to the MRI lab. the damn machine is so loud that the doc gave me ear plugs. half an hour of ear trauma. yeah sure, i might be able to get a diagnosis on my leg, but then i'll be deaf later. ok i guess u can't win it all in life can u?
so the scan came out instantly on films similar to xray ones and was placed together with my file on the side of my wheelchair.
went back to my ward and waited SIX hours b4 i got up, hobbled to the nurse and said, is the doc gonna see me, becos if not i'm gonna walk out and go home.
after a little of hoo har, i explained to the doc that FINALLY arrived, that i don't see a point in staying for another nite. they already have all the info they need to determine that i had a partial tear in my anterior cruciate ligament and my medial maniscus. so wat else u want? operate now? chop up my leg for futher investigation?
i was determined NOT to stay there for another nite as they advised me to, becos there is no use to me, or them, for being there. and, i have a bloody movie appt with my friends. cmon man, that's IMPORTANT!!!

so i "checked out" of the hotel, err i mean hospital and went for the movie!
btw.. if i blindfolded myself and ate the food there, there's NO WAY IN HELL i could tell wat i was eating... hospital food is beyond description.
thanx all for the well wishes! i think i'll have to go thru an operation and physio to get me better.. haizzz... more hospital visits..