Taking a few moments of remembrance.....
thanks www for organizing.... no narz jelly for you tis time round, but hope our One Night Stand was good enough for you....
had a great swim.... esp with the lovely ladies Angel^_^, F|, QQ... we had a great time yuan yang xi shui... .... making one another wet wet neh...... not forgetting our showering together in the open.... so how? my conditioner good?!
hehe, enjoyed the "free show" with X-men, www, dotsg, Inzaghi, Erijazz, Ghost_18, Heng@, FI & QQ, thou what i was really hoping to see was X-men put up a Full Monty performance. You swim very fast for a lao ren jia hor?!
& the car ride to ktv with dotsg, joho, stefannnnn jay chou, anfuni & www was...uh hum... luckily jOhO didn't sit beside me in the car else I don't think my wrap around skirt with the knot by the side would have stayed intact for long.
next was the ktv @ oriental... got to hear & see the Pro Tai Tais in action & hear your famous fei-ah-fei... in beginning was esp alarmed when your Maria started to make passes at me. -____-"
then supper @ dunno where... shared tian ji porridge with churra... hehe, a bit bland but it was still tian mi mi to be able to share with you....
not forgetting supper's supper at woodgrove later... you folks noe who you are. had a nice tok cock session too. i believe we'll do it soon.
Special thanks to dotsg & inzaghi for the rides.... saved me quite a bit on transportation fees so that i can treat you guys supper next time @ woodgrove ya?
it was great meeting all of you who were there, thou didn't get to interact much wif all, i had a great time stealing shy glances at you all.....
don think i was sunkissed enough though, would love to go sentosa again shld my schedule permits it. so over to you, whoever the next organizer is.

i'll be waiting.