jOhO's impression post (ala keeptouch!!!):
1. www
thank u for being an excellent organiser once again and listening to all my crap~
2. seacucumber
looking delicious as always.

3. M
if i was a woman, i'd rape u, u good looking mofo!
4. ghost_18
if i was fireice, and i was single, i'd rape u too!!

5. weidev
such a sweet bf... haiz.. at a young tender age, i have much to learn from u.

6. _attitude_
i have NO IDEA who u are, but hey, nice to meet u too~~

(just found out who u are after i wrote this: hey if i was female u better be careful, i'd steal ur bf

7. the bear
thanx for transporting the chicken rice for all of 20 metres for me!

8. wee
take care of that knee, we need u to save more spikes!
9. crystal
head still ringing? take care man, next time u tell us who whack u, we go thank him.

10. crystal's bf, steveness
after that, u can whack us for not helping ur gf

11. erijazz
we have something in common, our very PROSPEROUS waistline.

12. aetofu
u seem very knowledgeable, maybe i'll learn more from u next time.

13. dotsg
thanx for the lift here and there pal!
14. normalboi
i said hi to u, then u left already. eh.. but i got put on deodorant today leh!!
15. heng
man i love those pants... brings back memories... bad ones!
16. inzaghi
u're another fella i'd rape if i was a girl

17. anfuni
next time i know wat to do when i find money on the streets

18. fireice
some women are so sexy when they shower...

19. narz
and other women are so sexy when they serenade to me...

20. angel^_^
and yet other women are so.... (looks around for potential beater uppers...) sexy overall..

21. moonice
always sooooooooooooooo sweet!

22. x-men
ok next time u can pose for my camera properly

24. stefan
dun sign on larrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, MISTER is the highest rank

25. sillyme
nice to see u again, next time bring cam leh! hehe we need more film aficionados!
26. churra
don't worree about ur face, photoshop is a very powerful tool

27. realitybites
ur poses for the camera leave MUCH to be desired.

28. estee
da jie is my favourite model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! always! (fist on heart)

29. audelene
i think the biggest "siammer of camera" award has to go to u liow..

30. xian
u another prosperous one! join our club!!
31. thhong22
not bad today at least when u sing i can hear ur voice.

32. qoo
the highest nosebleed factor of the day. i already had a few transfusions tonite...

33. baseline
bend over bit[/i]ch!! we found a new postition, the "escalator stance"

34. shutthehellup
awesome voice... u're next to serenade to me ok?