Dear Guests,
On behalf of [color=indigo]Estee, I'm privileged to express gratitude and Thanks to all you lovely people for joining us this evening. Your presence was both a draw prior to the event and a key to the ultimate success of this event.
It have been quiet awhile since we have any major outing, nevertheless is still great to see all you handsome & lovely people. Welcome the newBies and Enjoy the oldBies!! While I was unable to attend to most of your converseration, but I was in attendance for every minute of all your
"Screaming Session" on this Thursday night. I was very impressed with the amount of song you people can delicate, and found cause to regret being unable to have a duet or communicate with everyone of you that well. Every single one of you sang well but the last solo was still in the limelight!!Is was a classic!!
By the end of the event I was gald and contented that most of you have enjoy yourself and eachother companys.
(also not forgetting the "[b]SHE solo"...) [/b]In short, your presentation was inspirational and entertaining.
Till here I would like to acknowledge Each and Everyone of you a Very BIG THANK YOU for making this nite out a success Ka la Ok Day...Hope you lovely people really enjoy this evening! See you lovely people in the up coming
Badminton & Basketball -> Episode 3 Badminton & BasketballLast but not forgetting the special guest, nice of you people to drop by!!!