The Declaration of Independence
We have associated in celebrating the birth day of our independence. In compliance with a request of any female associates, we about to present them a standard in manifestation of our confidence, & as a tribute of respect to the company of Independent Volunteers. Though the order of society, our daily habits and physical powers, restrict us to less active duties and forbid us a participation in our social, and convivial pleasures, and manly exercises of the day; yet we feel with you gals around; there's a glow of satisfaction. To us as to you, it recalls to our mental view events which inspire us with veneration for the memories of our Fathers of the Revolution, & excite in us, a lively interest for the honor of our common country. May this day be ever dear to the descendants of freedom: Our fathers dared to will to be free, and were free: may their sons ever will it.
Our motives in addressing you on this occasion are not to excite in you a sense of noble daring, or a just appreciation of your rights as freemen. The songs of freemen want no incentives to action: Liberty and honor are inate principles, fostered by paternal care. They have nobly will'd and bravely dared. The historic page records the noble achievements, and gallant actions in their country's cause; on the ocean and on the land their prowess stands pre-eminent; the haughty foe has struck his proud flag to our brave and hardy tars, and bent his proud crest to the strong arm of all our brothers in arms. From pole to pole, the goddess of liberty has proclaimed the merited applause of her sons. The Day have come where we fight for our lifehood and freedom.