The Love Test
The best relationships are balanced relationships. If any single category is greater than 50%, you may want to work on some of the other areas.Note: Scores are rounded to one decimal place and therefore may not total 100%
You scored 33.3% Friendship or Best Friends type of love.Friendship or Best Friends type of love means that you put emphasis on friendship in a loving relationship and would probably find your lover to also be your closest friend. Upside: Every relationship needs moments of deep personal sharing. Downside: Even the best of friends have to keep the passion alive.
You scored 33.3% Logical or Sensible type of love.Logical or Sensible type of love has to do with a logical or practical approach to the person you love and how you express your love. Upside: Every relationship needs common goals and commitments. Downside: In the long run, love is neither logical nor sensible.
You scored 33.3% Other-Directed or a Thou-Focused type of love.Other-Directed or a Thou-Focused type of love is a love that is centered on your partner's happiness and the ability to endure and overcome obstacles in a relationship. Upside: Every relationship needs respect. Downside: Watch out for clingy dependence.
You scored 0% Romantic or Sensual type of love. Romantic or Sensual type of love is characteristic of a romantic type of love and a strong physical attraction toward your partner. Upside: Every relationship needs a spark. Downside: Flameout-even intense lovers eventually have to talk to each other.