dear diary,Originally posted by fish&chipz:DD...
i believe its gd news 4 www then...
n oh yeshh..NEVA trust e darn lecturers!!
they're all in some conspiracy....
go by ur 6th sense...hehe
heres wishing cum aug/sept..
when e results r announced...
i'll receive gd news too..
i cant tink wad wil hapen!
Dear Diary,Originally posted by www:dear diary,
pls inform cwill that cough syrup and asthma inhaler will be provided in case there is any mishaps. as such, he can participate at ease.
dear diary,Originally posted by cwill:Dear Diary,
Kindly inform www I do not wish anyone to win 4D so as usual I will be giving this round a skip....
dear diary,Originally posted by anfuni:Dear diary,
how come "such things" also like got seasons one.....
seems like everyone is back to square "ONE" again.....
and i am drinking and smoking more then usual again.....
my life will still go on thou presently very messy and lost.....
dear diary,Originally posted by www:dear diary,
somehow or rather, things just come naturally. the entire life is a cycle.
dear diary,Originally posted by anfuni:dear diary,
how come www is so free and i am here worrying for my two supp papers on the 10 july... pls tell www that its was so long ago that i already accepted and learned the life cycle.... its juz a matter of time that things will be back to normal...
Dear Diary,Originally posted by www:dear diary,
old one dont go. new one dont come.
Dear Diary,Originally posted by anfuni:Dear diary,
how come "such things" also like got seasons one.....
seems like everyone is back to square "ONE" again.....
and i am drinking and smoking more then usual again.....
my life will still go on thou presently very messy and lost.....
Originally posted by www:dear diary,
when a person voiced such delight on the cancellation of an outing, it explicitly shows if he is wu sim or bo sim to attend in the first place.
Dear DiaryOriginally posted by Lim Bu:Dear Diary,
Lim Bu made someone angry at PostBar just now and it was unintentional.
Dear DiaryOriginally posted by mapp|ezz:Dear Diary,
I am so happi todae is a thursday..the weekend is coming..keke
feel so energetic todae..
Dear DiaryOriginally posted by Estee:Dear Diary
Pls tell Miss Mapp|ezz that she hasn't been to sentosa for a really long time~~
Dear DiaryOriginally posted by mapp|ezz:Dear Diary
Pls send my apologies to Miss Estee cuz mapp|ezz is unable to attend the sentosa outings as she has to work on sat...n tat mapp|ezz strongly understands how Estee has been missing her
Dear DiaryOriginally posted by Estee:Dear Diary
Pls tell Miss Mapp|ezz that i had acknowleged her apologies~~ heehee~~ work is more important~~
dear diary,Originally posted by Lim Bu:Dear Diary,
Lim Bu made someone angry at PostBar just now and it was unintentional.
Dear DiaryOriginally posted by www:dear diary,
pardon me, but you know where is postbar?
Dear Diary,Originally posted by www:dear diary,
pardon me, but you know where is postbar?