well i'm almost the opposite. i really think there is a mrs right for me.. and not just one.. there's probably plenty! (of course i will choose only one lar)
of course it's not as simple as meeting the "right" one and everything will live happily ever after. for me "right" would probably refer to compatibility, or a high percentage of it (if it could be measured). no one is gonna get a perfect fit like a jigsaw puzzle. we're talking humans, not pieces of cardboard!
so having met someone who's possibly "right" plenty of time, effort, feelings and the whole lot have to be invested, and continually invested to make the reln work and happy. there's no point finding the "right" one that god ordained for u, only to sit back and do nothing about it when u meet him/her.
either way, hope u can cheer up ellen. ur smile is definitely much more endearing than ur tears. let's see the smile again.