President John F Kennedy once said, 'Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.' There may have been a time whereby war served a negative good, but the destructive power of modern weapons eliminates the possibility that war can really be that precise and even serve any good at all. Bush says he has many medical personnel on standby, its like a kid saying to another at the playground, here's 50 bucks to see a doc before beating him up. The UN is a gesture in the direction of nonviolence on a world scale, there at least, states that oppose each other seek to do so, with words rather than weapons. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. War is not the answer to terrorism nor to Saddam. They will never be defeated by the use of violence, they will only respond with the same means. Whilst they may be disarmed, or quietened, the unmistakable pain it creates on those caught in the path of its whirlwind, in the process of doing so, is lifelong. 911 bereaved should remember that.
I think by all means, resolving matters peacefully is the way to go of course.
But try telling that to Saddam and Osama or any terrorists.
Saddam - For 12 years, he refused to cooperate. U talk peacefully to a person for 12 years but he refused to change, what then can we do?
Osama - Dun need to say further, his mission, KILL KILL KILL. You talk peacefully to him, he jihad with u.
The fact is that a WAR in any situations is a LOSE-LOSE method. War is not a solution to saddam and terrorism? What is, then? Talks? Well they have tried talking for 12 LONG years. Anyone has a better suggestion than WAR? If not, i guess WAR is the only option left.
War should stop now and not carry on any further..