Whenever yr buddy cracks a joke or when ur fave sitcom is playing on the telly, yr body releases "happy hormones" otherwise known as endorphins. These hormones give u sense of well-being and are also responsible for putting a smile on ur face. In the case of aches and arthritis, there hormones also help in pain reduction.
If ur muscles suffer from tension, a good laugh will also help to relax them. While you laugh, the muscles that do not participate in the belly laugh, relaxes. After you finish laughing, those muscles involed in the laughter start to relax. So, the action takes place in 2 stages.
Laughter also gives a booster shot to ur immune system. This is because the blood cells that help fight diseases in ur body, such as T-cells (T lymphocytes) increase in their activation whenever u laugh.
Laughter is a form of cardiac exercise! Fits of laughter has an aerobic effect, providing a workout for the diaphragm and that results in the loss of calories!
I'm smiling when i'm reading this..
Blood pressure also goes down a notch as dopamine ( the substance responsible for high blood pressure) level decreases whenever ur toes are tickled.
Frequent belly laughter empties ur lungs of more air than it takes in, resulting in a cleansing effect - similar to deep breathing. Especially beneficial for patients who are suffering from emphysema and other respiratory ailments.
So the next time someone cracks a joke, dont juz chuckle, give a full-scale belly laugh! and the best part about laughter therapy is that it does not cost u a single cent plus there are no known negative side effects, other than getting a slight bruise from rolling on the floor.
To sum it all up a quote-
"The simple truth is that happy people generally dont get sick."