SDLC (Sgforums Development Life Cycle), on how people in sgforums evolved in different stages.
Stage 1: Newbie (exclude clone nicks)with less than one month old in registration date, behaviour of newbies are generally less explicit.
of course, there are some which visit the forum with a purpose but most are merely readers with minimal posting, while trying to understand who are the people and how things work around here.
Stage 2: Active membernow that you know who are your crapping buddies, you feel more comfortable to contribute your opinions on a regular basis.
most would have a sense of belonging by now and devote more time in a particular sub-forum.
Stage 3: Hyperactive memberyour average post count is probably 50 per day. many would have joined outings at this stage.
of course, there are some who choose to stay behind the screen but nevertheless, one distinct characteristic is that the member should have a sub-forums of their own, and pay quite a lot of attention on forum ratings.
many are capable and enthusiastic of organise outings.
Stage 4: Regular memberyour nick is known to many but you contribution start to decline, though you still visit the forum regularly.
maybe you have seen who you wanted to see.
maybe you have other commitment (e.g. work).
but the degree of enthusiasm is no longer there though you still appear in outings once a while.
Stage 5: Retiring memberssince your crapping buddies are no longer around, you find it less interesting to check out this joint.
your appearance is very much periodical, coming back once every six months with a spree of postings and return to hibernation again.
of course, there are some who chose to behave differently but in a general aspect, this is how people around here come and go.
so which stage do you think you are in