Caught the movie last night at Golden Horse Awards Showcase Festival, I'm not a WKW movie fan but after watching this....

Chow Mo-wan(Tony Leung) and Su Li-zhen(Maggie Cheung) move into neighboring apartments on the same day. Their encounters are polite and formal; until a discovery about their respective spouses sparks an intimate bond. The two begin a clandestine friendship, and soon discover their desire turning from revenge to genuine passion.
A stylistic masterpiece for so many reasons, the most obvious being the sheer beauty of it. WKW immortalizes everything in frame, from cigarette smoke to droplets of rain, from noodle steam to the grill of a small metal fan, not forgetting the artistic love scene.
A simply stunning motion picture in all, acting, film technique, cinematography, music, etc.
From the movie:Chow: "On your own, you are free to do lots of things. Everything changes when you marry. It must be decided together..." Su: "I didn't know married life would be so complicated! When you're single, you are only responsible to yourself. Once you're married, doing well on your own is not enough!" My Rating: 4.5 outta 5