our very own Penguin will be celebrating her bdae on the 1st of Dec.... so people in the list please attend...... people not in the list... welcome to join in and have some fun yah?? PM me ur contact num to cfm k?? hehe 
Occasion: Churra's Bdae
Venue/Time: Thumper, Goodwood Park Hotel, after Dinner
Date: 1st Dec 2004, Wednesday
Meeting/Makan Place/Time: Burger King Far East Plaza, 7pm
Contact Person: Churra/Estee or anyone in the cfm listDefault List/Cfm List/Invited Personel List/Tbc List:-
- churra (cfm)
- estee (cfm)
- ef ai be there with a diff group (cfm)
- realitybites (cfm wbl)
- audlenelee (cfm)
- sg1 (cfm)
- tonytan (cfm)
- dotsg (cfm)
- erijazz (cfm)
- kopiosatu (cfm)
- elawee & stevanes (cfm)
- qoo (cfm)
- kip (tbc)
- ghost_18 (tbc)
- stefanism (tbc)
- sinned (tbc)
- oldman & belle (tbc)
- tx & don (tbc)
- xmen (tbc)
- nick (tbc)
- eliteboy (tbc)
- more to add more to add....

let me be naggy once again...... pls
PM Estee or
Churra to confirm ur attendance k?? thanks