hmm wat exchanges have u guys been to recently? as in during march hols, cos i know a lot has been happening to prepare the bands for syf...
I've heard yuhua, tkgs, river valley, anglican, raffles instituition, dunman high, st. joseph, hai sing catholic, junyuan during my school band's exchange with them.
how come ur exchagne so many schs? or is it diff exchanges? i had one at ngee ann with acsi, dunman sec, dunearn, crescent and of cos, ngee ann. might be having one with rv,yuhua n tchs soon. but not confirmed yet
2 diff exchanges
ic... sigh i think all the exchnages that r supposed to happen this week will b cancelled. so damn sad sia
tan_mx from AHS?
I only went to Ngee Ann Sec Sch Chinese Orchestra Exchange b4 ,no band exchange yet...