Originally posted by mhcampboy:
Lets say a couple quarreled and say out words like break up and such.
They finished the conversation on bad terms. The next day, one of them msg and ask the other party if they are still together. The answer was yes.
Judging that both are still angry and sore over the argument, for how long should the cold war last?
It depends. Usually a week will be fine for a cool down period. After that, if she start msg u, then u should apologise. If both parties are stubborn, then i guess the male has to give in 1st and initiate an apology. Pride n ego is nothing worth 1 lah...
But the thing is, why get into a situation when a couple quarrel? Yes sometimes quarrels can spice things up and trigger emotions and show that both parties still care for each other. Coz if one is not even bothered to quarrel, it means he/she may not even give a damn about the relationship anymore. However, every quarrel means there will be "scratches" in the relationship and it will come a time when the war may last forever...Means one party may think it is no use trying to salvage the relationship anymore. My fren once told me that each quarrel causes a dent in the relationship and it is not healthy in the long run. So, think about it. It's okay to make mistakes, but sometimes too much of it is not good.
Think what is the cause of the quarrel and find the root of the problem. That would be a better solution.