Originally posted by foga:sama sama.
hmm.. let me get the ball rolling
for my case, once was i intiate, the other was her so let the survey starts
[b]Who intitated the breakup, guy or girl
Guy :1
Girl: 1[/b]
Originally posted by foga:So... foga are you a woman?
hmm.. let me get the ball rolling
for my case, once was i intiate, the other was her so let the survey starts
[b]Who intitated the breakup, guy or girl
Guy :2
Girl: 2
peeps who's taken survey :
1) foga
2) browniebaobao[/b]
yes, foga v chio.Originally posted by dokono:So... foga are you a woman?
Originally posted by dokono:So... foga are you a woman?
Originally posted by browniebaobao:yes, foga v chio.
aiyo foga~~!~Originally posted by foga:shhhh... later people know i choi and have DD cup they sure pester me wan...