more ways
1. Throw a small party. The fun of letting loose and being surrounded with your close friends can make anyone feel better.
not a party animal. 2. Gather everything that reminds you of your past love and put it in a box specifically for this. Then give it to a friend or store it somewhere where you won't see or think about it. When you're ready you can either throw away the box or keep it for memory's sake.
Done. No problem with doing that.3. Start a new exercise or well-being plan. It never hurts to take time to look good!
Did but always ban tu er fei. 4. Start a daily journal, even if it's on your computer. Somewhere everyday take the time to jot down whatever comes to mind. The idea in starting a journal is not to write cleverly or even about anything important. Just write (or type) whatever comes to mind even if your journal starts to look like this: "Went shopping yesterday for a new book oh yea need to e-mail Susan, the flowers on that window sill need watering." The point of your journal is to clear your thoughts. In a few weeks you will be able to read your entries to discover new things and trends about yourself.
I have a blog. I always tot that it's a way to let out all my emotions, but I'm wrong. Coz my frens are reading.. There are still some dark secrets that I can't put on blog.. so I still have to live with them. Sobz.5. Join a new interest group. It's never to early too meet new friends and, at least this way, you'll already have one thing in common.
I know and I'm widening my circle of frens. 6. Learn something new. Take a foreign language or art course, or buy a how-to computer program.
Always wanted to do this but cannot afford the time. Next sem, probably will choose a language module. 7. Pick out an inspirational book or movie to read or watch whenever you start feeling down or depressed.
I always do this. 8. Take yourself out on a date, even if it's a night alone watching your favorite programs and eating your favorite foods.
Always pamper myself like this too. 9. Do the things you said you always wanted to do when you were with your partner but somehow never did.
I think I will feel sadder if I were to do it alone.. lol. 10. Get a new look.
Money is an issue here. :
11. Pick up a calendar and fill out the next 3 months with social events you'd like to attend or things you'd like to do. Browse your city's web site or the entertainment section of your local newspaper to find out ideas, dates and times.
If only I have the time. 12. Spend a "comfy" day. Get out your favorite comfy clothes, pillow, blanket, etc. and just spend the day relaxing doing whatever you want!
Nua my time away ar.. but what If I only have one day free? Waste my time like that meh? 13. Get a pet or plant to take care of.
I got my pang pang, ben ben and other 5 hamsters. 14. Rent a few romantic movies or read a few romance novels to remind yourself that love does still have happy endings.
I never believe in happy endings. 15. Write a goodbye poem or letter. Then stick it in a bottle and throw it out in the sea or attach it to a helium balloon to be carried away.
Always tot of doing that but scared I will be caught of polluting the sea. 16. Do something you wouldn't normally do to celebrate your "singleness."
Like? 17. Redecorate your space. Start off by cleaning out everything and throwing away anything you don't use or need anymore. Make a few self-indulgent decorating additions like a few candles, a favorite painting or fresh flowers!
But one or two weeks later will be in a mess again 18. Visit a new city. Pick some place you've always wanted to go or some place closer to home to save money.
Who's going with me? I have no sense of direction wan, might get lost nia. 19. Spend time with your friends.
I always do.