Match on Feb 10th 2001 (quite a long time to go lah...)
Here wat they post to me:
hi Benson,
This month we are abit packed, so can make it on 10th February 2001 or not? So, we will be playing in your homebase lah, Jurong there. EPacoNet right? Since u all challenged us, y not u all choose one official map and we choose one.
FF on Freezetime 2 tkpunish off forcechasecam on 7 vs 7 autokick off
So... is it all right with u all?
[]GLT[],A Special Breed of Men A Cut Above The Rest
if ya wanna,check it out~! Hope i have some supportive response later in the reply msg,thanks~!
p/s:negative suggestions or response,keep it inside ur pockets!!!
[]GLT[],A Special Breed of Men A Cut Above The Rest
A -]TeaMAgentS[- soldier never use C8...only C1.
BTW,who r we dealing with?(sorry, i knw a soldier never Argue never Question.)
pls:dunno wat's C1 and C8??juz press C then 1/8 when playing CS
I mean their strength,most match result,ever won which big clan b4,any famous players..........coz sad to say,i never hear b4 the clan
wat is c1 c8?!
i kan blur leh~!
[]GLT[],A Special Breed of Men A Cut Above The Rest
Affirmative and negative lah!!~~right mervin? anyway can u provide more details?? dun knoe which clan we r goin against... r they gd??
------------------ == Be THe OwNer oF yOÃœR oPpoNenT's DESTINY ==
yO bRo~ i had always wanted to fight for our clan,fight for our destiny and most of all fight for our FREEDOM~~!!haha so we r playin wif CsP??k lor..i oso want to see how gd they r so we can xchange pointers.i b honoured if u were to include mi in yr lineup...ever since i pledge myself to this ji tou i had always dream of makin our clan hiang...hahahaha i had to make ppl rem our clan GLT no matter where they go or wat they do~~~ if i can lead once more i promised to do a beta job..Bravo Company []GLT[]Owen Reporting In,SIR~!
------------------ GLT RuLeS~!!!ReM ThIs NaMe CoZ ThIs NaMe WiLL CrEaTe ThE GrEaTeSt StOrM In Cs HiStOrY...FeeL~~DoN TinK!!!
I've got some REAL negative comments to comment... Can I comment ?
------------------ Strive for perfection even if others must suffer.
Princess u r so clever......a real CS siao.BTW,when can i get my pay?haha.
WF........pls comment.i luv to hear from u.u r so cool!