Originally posted by gLc:Im in hotel and hospitality management.
So basically, it doesnt matter how long your lappy batt life can last right?
WAAA! i know e module chair LOL!
if nt wrong, she used to be my faci..
eh what your cop? sian sia. i wanted go in this kind of course. but during my time.. RP dun have this course yet..
so i fall into pharmaceutical science. zzz
Now change liao... Luckily, I'm out...
1. Academic Calendar for AY2009/2010
The dates for the Academic Calendar for AY2009/2010 have been revised, and the current version of the calendar can be viewed at http://www.rp.sg/org/Student%20Handbook/Acad_Acad_Calendar_0910.aspx.
Please take note especially that there will be 15 weeks of lessons (instead of 16 previously), and that no lessons will be conducted in Week 16.
2. Understanding Tests (UTs)
For each module, there will now be 3 UTs per semester (instead of 4 previously), called UT1, UT2 and UT3.
UT1 and UT2 will be held within the first 15 weeks of the semester when lessons are conducted, and will usually be scheduled at 4:00 pm. UT3 will be scheduled in Week 16, at dates and times which will be announced closer to the time.
UT1 and UT2 will each be of 45 minutes in duration, while UT3 will be between 60 and 90 minutes in duration, depending on the module.
With this change, UT3 for each module will be an opportunity for students to be tested on and to show their competence in the entire range of topics covered in the relevant module.
The UT Schedule for the semester will be released at the beginning of the semester, and can be viewed at http://www.rp.sg/org/Student%20Handbook/Acad_UT_Schedule.aspx after it has been published.
3. Daily Schedule for Classes and UTs
All classes will now begin at either 8:30 am, 9:15 am or 10:00 am.
Classes are designated as Group A, Group B and Group C for this purpose, and the start time and daily schedule for each class will depend on the Group to which the respective module is designated. The daily schedule for Group A, Group B and Group C classes is shown below.
Group A modules
Group B modules
Group C modules
1st Meeting
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
1st Study Period
9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
2nd Meeting
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
2nd Study Period
(includes lunch time)
11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
12:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
12:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
3rd Meeting
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
2:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.^
UT 1 / UT 2
(Duration: 45 min)
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
UT 3
(Duration: 60 to 90 min, depending on the module)
UT 3 will be held in Week 16 of the Academic Calendar.
(For all modules, there will be NO classes in Week 16.)
^ - Group C modules will have the 3rd meeting end by 4:00 p.m. if students are taking UT on that day.
The Group for each class is part of the class code (which will be shown in LEO), with the Group letter shown the end of the code. For example, in “G101-3-W34K-A” the final letter “A” indicates that the class will be held according to the “Group A” schedule. Please wait for the class information to become available in LEO at the beginning of the semester to see which schedules apply for your classes.
Do note that the “Study Period” (previously known as the “Breakout”) refers to the time between the Meetings, and is intended mainly for students to do their work in preparation for the next Meeting.
This new daily schedule allows for the staggering of class start times as well as times for the Study Periods, so that any traffic congestion within and around the campus can be minimised and our facilities can be utilised more efficiently.
4. Module Grade Computation
As there will now be 15 lessons for each module (instead of 16 lessons previously), the computation of the Module Grade will involve the best
13 out of the total of 15 Daily Grades.
For UTs, since there will now only be three UTs, the computation of the Module Grade will involve all three UTs. Moreover, as UT3 is conducted at the end of the semester and involves a longer duration, there will be double weightage of UT3 compared with UT1 and UT2. In other words, the grades of the three UTs will be combined in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2 for UT1
: UT2 : UT3.
As the UTs are an important component of the assessment system, students need to sit for every UT. Absence from a UT will result in a failure for that UT (i.e. "X" grade and zero score), unless there are exceptional reasons for which a student is granted Leave of Absence (LOA).
Students who are absent from class or UT due to hospitalization, compassionate leave, or participation in approved competitions or other activities for Singapore or Republic Polytechnic may apply for LOA. If approved, allowances will be made for such absence. Absences for reasons that are not approved will not qualify for LOA, and students will be treated as absent. Medical Certificates do not automatically qualify for LOA, and all applications will be assessed on their merit. Frivolous cases or repeated cases without good reasons will be disallowed or subject to further investigation. Further details on the LOA are available at http://www.rp.sg/org/Student%20Handbook/Acad_LOA.aspx.
5. Abolishment of ‘N’ Grades
Previously, students who were continuously absent from classes for a certain number of weeks at the beginning of the semester would be given an ‘N’ Grade for the module. This grade is now no longer to be given with effect from AY2009/2010 Semester 1 onwards. All students who are enrolled for a module will now be graded according to their DG and UT grades as assigned, with absences resulting in a failure (i.e. "X" grade and zero score).
The details of the academic policies and regulations now in force can be seen at the Academic Information page of the Student Handbook that is online. Please read this at http://www.rp.sg/org/Student%20Handbook/Acad_Acad_Info.aspx.
Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Class Schedules and Understanding Tests can also be seen at http://www.rp.sg/org/Student%20Handbook/Acad_Class_UT_FAQ.aspx.
You may also wish to view a video recording of the Principal’s Dialogue Session with Student Leaders (27 Feb 2009) on the topic of changes to the UT system. This video is available at:
If you have further queries on academic matters, please send an email to [email protected].
Originally posted by hEaveN tEars:
WAAA! i know e module chair LOL!if nt wrong, she used to be my faci..
eh what your cop? sian sia. i wanted go in this kind of course. but during my time.. RP dun have this course yet..
so i fall into pharmaceutical science. zzz
cop 18 leh.
Originally posted by gLc:cop 18 leh.
.......... im 19. cop.. ARGEEE! i gonna bang e wall now! lolol
Originally posted by hEaveN tEars:
.......... im 19. cop.. ARGEEE! i gonna bang e wall now! lolol
but now everyday class 9-4 right....
sian.... like super long hours.
Originally posted by gLc:but now everyday class 9-4 right....
sian.... like super long hours.
last time worst can..
i from 8.30 to 4pm.. den if got UT.. 4.45.. zzz..
anyways its this kind of life in RP.. try get use to it lor. its like secondary sch =S
just that u have lesson starting at 9 instead of 7.30.. ending at 4 instead of 1.45pm/2pm..
So... since im going to be first year student this coming april.
How would I know my timetable?
RP is a stressless campus den all other polys.
Originally posted by gLc:So... since im going to be first year student this coming april.
How would I know my timetable?
they sms u or they will send u email.. before sch start u sure have yr laptop ler ma. den u can go in the sch mail box to check too..
and SBS, u study thr? if u dint, don't just say plainly base on your friends assumption.
with the changes it is harder to score well :) Try to do your best to learn (and not just wayang) in your daily classes!
Originally posted by catinthehat:with the changes it is harder to score well :) Try to do your best to learn (and not just wayang) in your daily classes!
yeah i agree with you..
Originally posted by catinthehat:with the changes it is harder to score well :) Try to do your best to learn (and not just wayang) in your daily classes!
Why is it harder to score now as compared to last time?
And ya.. the orientation is it compulsory to go? If i go, would I be meeting my course mates or what..?
Originally posted by gLc:Why is it harder to score now as compared to last time?
And ya.. the orientation is it compulsory to go? If i go, would I be meeting my course mates or what..?
better for you to go the orientation,so that at least you'll know some friends,if not once the clique forms then you have no grp to join liao.
Before: 50%/60% (depending on module) of module grade is taken from your best 3 out of 4 UT.
Now: 50%/60% of module grade is taken from your 3 UTs.
Before, if students did badly for one test, at least they can try to do better for the other 3.
Now, you have to do well for all tests!
Your UTs are more important, and your learning from them starts from the daily lessons! Some people focus too much on their daily grades and freak out if their faci give them a C or less.... but as long as you are trying hard to learn and understand the material, you won't do too badly. Your
Remember to invite your faci to your team's table for a discussion if he/she does not come to your team :)
It is good to go for the orientation, so as to be "gum" with your classmates. But also, you must find out who the slackers are etc etc, but I think you can easily observe in your first two weeks :)