Originally posted by e|mo:
My husband was an engineer. Since I met him, he was always an
unflappable rock in my life. I knew he always had his feet firmly planted on the ground, and it seemed that no matter what else went crazy, he would be the one constant.
Three years of romance, and two years of marriage later, I got tired. He was the most unromantic man I know. He never bought me flowers, he never surprised me, and nothing changed in our marriage.
After some time, I finally found the courage to tell him that I wanted
to leave him. He just sat there, speechless. My heart froze... what kind of man was I married to that didn't even know what to say to make me stay?
After a while, he spoke, "What can I do to change your mind?". "I will
stay if you can give me a good answer to this question," I replied coldly. "If I asked for a flower that grew on a cliff, and you knew that getting it for me means certain death, would you get it for me?". His face grew troubled. "Can I give you an answer tomorrow morning?" he asked. Hearing that kind of answer, my heart died. I knew that I could never be happy with a man who couldn't even give me a answer straight away.
The next morning, when I woke up, he was missing. In the living room, under a warm glass of milk, was a note. My eyes grew misty as I read it...
"Dear, I have my answer. I will never pick the flower for you if it
meant certain death. But before you leave, I hope you can give me a chance to give you my reasons....
You will always sit in front of the computer and type about for the
whole day, but everytime you will end up in tears cause your formating will always go all over the place... I need my fingers, to do the formating for you, so your tears will become smiles.
You like to travel, but would always get lost... I need my eyes, so that I can bring you to the nicest places on earth.
Everytime you leave the house, you would always forget your keys... I need my legs, so that I can run home to open the door for you.
You never knew how to take care of yourself... I need my hands to help you get rid of the pesky white hair you hate so much when you grow old, to trim your nails, to feed you.
So you see, that's why I can't pick the flower for you. Until I find
someone who loves you more than I do, I will need my body to take care of you.
If you accept my reasons, then open the door, where I will be waiting
with your favourite muffin."
With tears streaming from my eyes, I opened the door, and there he
stood, with a extremely worried look on his face. He still had nothing to say, but just stood there waving the packet he had in his hand in front of me. And then I knew for a fact that I will never find another man who will ever love me as much as he does.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean that they don't love you with all they have...
E|mo very well said... its really meaningful... Really touch my heart..
Well guess everyone express their love in their own ways....