By Curt Smith
negative behaviors
Put on your thinking caps, it's time to see if you display any of the following behaviors. If you do, you might want to make some attitude adjustments -- especially if you never get the second date.
Forgetting The Lady
In an effort to plan the perfect first date, you forget to make sure she's having a good time. Ask her if she's enjoying herself, and if she's not, don't hesitate to switch to Plan B. You do have a Plan B, don't you?
You're Cheap
Spring for the first round. Let her pick up the one after that (and feign protest), but get that first one. If you don't, you risk looking like a miser. Show her that you're willing to invest in the relationship (hopefully, she'll invest in the relationship by paying for the second round).
Control Your Drinking
Even if you know you can hold ten times your date's weight in alcohol, control yourself and match her one for one. You can bet that she's keeping count on how much gulping you've been doing.
Don't Touch Her
I can't stress this one enough: You can never go wrong by not making any moves on the first date. On the other hand, an ill-timed grab for anything but a door will make you look sexually eager.
Don't Compliment Her Body
It will make her aware that you're checking her out. Even if you mean well, you'll come off as a drooling womanizer. Instead say something like, "You look great." But skip on both the winking and giving her the two thumbs up.
Whine & Complain
Telling your date all the horrible things you did to your ex-girlfriend after you broke up is like signing a death wish. It won't make you look good, you won't score any points, and you'll only make her nervous to be around you.
Poor Manners
Anything that should take place in the bathroom should stay in that room. Your date doesn't want to hear or smell it. If you have an itch and need to readjust certain parts of your anatomy, excuse yourself and head for the men's room. You shouldn't be grabbing onto yourself like a security blanket.
Too Eager To Impress
Some guys are just so eager to impress that they'll literally do anything for their date. Unfortunately, women see this as a sign of both weakness and desperation: a major turnoff in the game of love.
Plan For A Wedding
While some men are too busy planning to bed their dates, other men begin talking about marriage and children. Can you hear the bells ringing? And I'm not referring to church bells.
First dates are meant for people to get to know one another enough to decide whether they want a second one. If you start with the wedding plans, I'll guarantee that you'll get the famous, "Listen you're a nice guy, but I need my space" response. Keep the conversation light-hearted.