When it comes to love, are you too picky ... or not picky enough? If you have been in one or more long-term relationships and are now single again, you may find yourself at one of these two extremes. However, by adjusting your expectations you may improve your chances of finding true love. Read on to see how you can adjust your pickiness level:
You're too picky if ...
1. You have no problem getting dates, but everyone you go out with turns you off in some way.
2. You have very specific ideas about who your partner needs to be when it comes to things like income level, profession, interests, etc.
3. You need a person to prove himself or herself to you many times before you even consider opening up.
4. You expect that your partner will never let you down.
If you identify more with the "too picky" list, it may be because you are trying to protect yourself from being hurt. You may seek perfection in others with the hope that a "perfect" partner would never cause you pain. Because of this, you tend to end up alone.
You're not picky enough if ...
1. You are willing to date anyone fairly decent, regardless of whether or not he or she is a good match for you.
2. You don't want much from a partner. If he or she has a sense of humor, a job and feelings for you, then he or she is good enough.
3. You get into relationships quickly.
4. You accept lots of imperfections in your partner.
Picky parameters
Want to end up in a relationship that works? Here are some guidelines when it comes to being picky about potential partners:
1. Look for a partner who possesses a similar value system, communication style and level of integrity. With these characteristics in common, your relationship will experience less conflict, and you'll be able to spend your time enjoying each other as much as possible.
2. You and your partner should share the same family goals, such as having children or not, getting married or not, etc. These are the types of issues that can make or break a relationship.
3. Choose a kind and gentle person, one who cares about people's emotions. Relationships can be hard. During difficult times, you want a partner who will treat you well instead of badly.
Too picky or not picky enough, you can still end up alone. It's better to have a balance of what you are picky about and what you are not picky about. This way you can attract a balanced person and to create a compatible, satisfying relationship.