10. She does not stop trying to reach you
You gave her your phone number, now she calls you 5 times a day at work; pages you until you get wet; spams your inbox; and even tries to track you down at your folks' place. You can't run, you can't hide... but once you begin to carry your cell phone into the bathroom to avoid missing her call, the time has come for your friends to intervene.
9. You're not the same person
I know, people change when they are committed, some for the better. It's all about compromise after all, but then why is it that some dudes turn into a chameleon and totally change? Well, once you become a diluted version of your old self (i.e. you phase out the beer and chips and replace it with wine and cheese or you stop thinking with your penis), your buds know that you're anwering to someone else.
8. You don't go out with the boys anymore
Your friends... remember them? Well, they remember you. The old you, not the one who no longer speaks his mind, and answers "how high?" when the ball and chain yells "jump!" You never go out with your friends anymore and they hardly call you, since they know the outcome.
7. You use terms that should be barred
Terms like "smoochie", "angel", "buddy", "muffin", "bunny", and "pumpkin" suddenly sneak their way into your vocabulary. Colleagues and friends look forward to making fun of you when you use these words.
6. Your taste for the "arts" changes
Whether you're always listening to Sarah McLachlan or you're suddenly passing up the R-rated movies for the CF ones (Chick Flicks), your taste has begun its transformation process. Before you know it, you start to replace Ozzy concerts with trips to the opera.
5. She has veto power
Any matters pertaining to scratching your head, going to see a movie, or buying something for your bachelor pad require her approval. Don't you miss the days when you could make a decision without having to call the wife? All of a sudden, your opinion never counts and you're nothing more than a messenger boy.
4. You have a curfew
You used to come home at sunrise, but now you must be tucked into bed by sunset. If you do go out with the boys, your curfew is suddenly 5 hours earlier and the 3rd degree awaits upon your return.
3. You're the houseman
Your mom is impressed with your sudden ability to wash dishes and do the laundry... and your girlfriend's mom is even more pleased. You "volunteer" to go lingerie shopping (and know the difference between Wonderbra and Victoria's Secret), shoe shopping, make-up shopping, and purse shopping with your girl.
2. Your girl friends are history
Once upon a time, you would stroll into bars with a harem of women and all the ladies would ask, "who is that guy?" But now, you're committed and the wife gives you the death stare whenever one of your old lady friends calls.
1. You don't deliver the punchline -- you're the joke
Bye-bye humor. You used to crack jokes and make everyone laugh. But with her around, you know that she will either get up in the middle of whatever you say, or start to walk away. But you aren't this lucky, you know that she will simply sit there and mope, raining on your parade.