10. She only comes to you when she needs something
She rarely e-mails to say hello, never calls to see what you are doing, and would hardly ever come to you. But once in a while, she gravitates to you with the force of nature. You quickly realize that her charm is veiling a favor or request.
What should you do? Tell her you would like to help but cannot. Be polite, be courteous, but do not give in, otherwise you are setting a dangerous precedence.
9. Friends say she's toying with you
This one fascinates me. If her friends, enemies, family, and everyone under the sun tell you -- no, warn you -- that she is toying with you, and she does this on a regular basis, then what on earth makes you think that you are different? Is it your charm? Your rugged good looks? Your sense of humor? No, some men childishly like to brag about the notches on their belts, while women like to count the number of men that they have put under their spell. And we fall for it like sheep. Listen to the word on the street and bail.
What should you do? First off, make sure that those who are saying these words have good reason. Did your love interest steal one of these ladies' men? If yes, then disregard what they say, but listen regardless. Mostly, find out whether all of these stories jive together and find out how they ended. If all of these men ended up in a sanitarium, again, run for the hills.
8. She's only attentive when you're with another woman
She rarely comes your way, except when you are with another woman, at which point she only has eyes for you. Whether this is more her ego, her undying desire to have all the men eating out of the palm of her hand, or a childish game, she knows that she can catch your attention any time, any place.
What should you do? Make sure that you talk to everybody and don't pay too much attention to her. Of course, do not go out of your way to ignore her, as this only reinforces the fact that she has hypnotized you.
7. The closer she gets, the more she pulls back
Every time you see the finish line, it becomes clearer that this was nothing more than a mirage. You start to think that you've finally won her over for good, but she never ceases to slip through your hands.
What should you do? Wake up. She will never want you in that way; you're just another pawn in her ego-driven chess game.
6. You can tell her heart belongs elsewhere
Unless you're really in a trance, you will occasionally detect that she is not all about games, and that in fact, she herself has her eyes on a special someone... only it isn't you. She flirts with you excessively and then starts talking about other guys. If you can detect her feelings, then consider this the final straw; she has her sights set on another man and there is nothing you can do. Do you want to be the best friend in whom she confides? Probably not.
What should you do? Wake up and smell the coffee. If the topic comes up, just wish her well and let her know that you want her to be happy, but let it go and move on.
5. She sends mixed messages
You are out together and she is all over you. The touching, the eye contact and her body language seem to suggest that she wants you. You drive up to her place and actually want to say good night, but she pulls you towards her and asks you to come in. You don't want to cave, but it's useless; you give in to temptation. Once there, she keeps her distance and sends you conflicting messages.
What should you do? Well, the next time she invites you in, just say "thanks" and drive away. She will realize what she missed out on when she sees your car fade into the horizon.
4. Her definition of "sleep" means sleep
She wants to sleep over every night and asks you to spend the night when you are over, but despite the caressing and teasing, all she ever does is lie there.
What should you do? For one, do not spend the night over and over again if you know you'll leave empty-handed, this just adds to the frustration and will make the relationship harder than it is. And if she insists on sleeping over, then don't sleep in the same bed. This way, by the middle of the night, she will come "looking for you."
3. She taunts you
For some reason, every time you show up at her place, she's in the midst of stepping out of the shower and is drenched from head to toe. Coincidentally, she knows about your fetish for wet women.
What should you do? Keep your distance if you feel it's only a tease. But if you catch her in this position repeatedly, then this one might be worth pursuing. Who knows, she may just remove the towel altogether. At this point, she is no longer teasing, but rather suggesting. So go ahead and feast.
2. She has a "less is more" dress code
Feminist sisters will surely come after me for this one, but when she dresses super revealing and comes over to you, but you cannot touch the merchandise, it's usually a sign of a tease. She touches your arm, hair and lips whenever she laughs and talks, but you must keep your distance at all times.
What should you do? Nothing. Just because she dresses provocatively, it doesn't mean anything, and no does mean no, so do not fall for her trap and keep walking. If she really wants it -- or you -- then she will come to you, otherwise, you're asking for trouble.
1. She is the queen of flirts
You notice people refer to her as the "queen of flirts." This woman is the type that makes you pay for drinks while she leaves with the other guy at the bar. What should you do? Make her buy her own drinks!