One evening Tommy was tired and feeling down he stopped into a local tavern, he began shooting pool and just general talk with some of his friends who felt a bit left out since all this started.
They told him he needed to give up on this venture and start living his life again. He told them he understood their feelings, but if they were really his friends they would hang with him through this.
He got quite drunk, for the first time since he celebrated his 21st, he started crying deeply at the side of the bank near his house where he stared at the moon and stars and asked God to please help Gina, and let this miserable man be found. He started his day by kissing her lips, and each night he would kneel at her bedside take her hand and pray again.
One December morning, he walked out to the back gate to get hay for the horses and his mother started screaming frantically to him.
Tommy, Tommy please hurry come now. He thought the worse and ran to the house, as he arrived he saw what they saw her eyes had movement and her toes wiggled. He called the hospital, sobbing with happiness.
They said get her in here we will try to give her some therapy to see what kind of response there is, but do not build up you hope to far. He took her in and Physical Therapy began. The doctors were not very elated, but Tommy felt faith would not be daunted and he would continue his vigil. A sheriff called him the following day, to assist on a road block of a suspected killer at large.
He drove up to the location and brought the dogs for foot patrol of the surrounding woods. Seemed some guy had robbed a local diner and killed the lady cashier, cause she didn't put the money in a bag fast enough. And to add more sorrow to that, she was seven months pregnant and was trying to raise a little boy too. There was a thirty square mile area sectioned off, and for almost two weeks Tommy was away from His Gina, but he always called routinely.
Finally one day just about sunrise, they were going to call off the hunt when there in the thicket by Murphy's pasture he heard a noise, he quietly made his way to the area. He called the others before he started to investigate, it could be anything. Just as he approached the clearing he heard a shot then felt a pain to his right shoulder.
He fell to the ground, he looked and saw the blood. About that time another officer was hit as well but he was not so lucky.
Tommy got to his car and called it in, then ran up to Murphy's house and borrowed a horse. There was no way he could drive or catch him on foot in his condition.
Finally near Perlita Creek he had him cornered, and the other officers were coming at the killer from the rear. But rather than give up, he rushed toward Tommy blindly shooting, Tommy told him to drop his gun and just lie down but it was no use. So as he got closer Tommy fired and hit him in the leg, he approached the guy and kicked away his pistol, and as he tried to raise him up he came at Tommy with a hunting knife.
After a missing swipe of the blade Tommy realized upon looking closely that this was Gina's X, here before him. Tears rolled down his face, a hatred filled his heart. But he held onto his sense of direction, the other officers arrived and while they were trying to cuff him he grabbed one of their guns from it's holster.
Tommy thought quickly and shot, he was probably dead before he hit the ground. Tommy hit him right between the eyes. After Tommy went to the local clinic to get patched up, and cleaned up at home he called home to check on Gina, he did not tell them his troubles for it was so trivial compared to His Loves.