Today i am pleased to make this annouce to everyone that on this very 31st of Dec 2002. The last day of the year.
E|mo will be my di di(yes didn't hear wrong, she's going to be my di di and i'm her ge ge.)
I wish her happiness this day and every single day in 2003. Thank you everything for sharing this joy with me,

Esp To my Di Di and all my buds and Hao Peng You

____________________________________________________ will be the crappest day of life in year 2002.
I'll be on duty while all my friends will be partying away, esp all the forum chatmates and buddies.
Have Fun and Good day to All. Will Miss celebrating NYC.
Well let me tell you this,
NYC sucks. But anyway Have Fun.
Advice: Guys
Guys Pls spray perfume to avoid OB.

If you're partying EXPO or may read the other
thread of mine.

If you're staying home remember to buy more sodas and chips. PS2, Xbox or Game Cube will come in handy.

Better still invite grp of friends to play all day long.
If you're going for party, read this

and one more thing, get prepared to kanna makan Tofu or crudely molested. Don't get upset...cos you know it'll happen. (i won't be there to see, Doh!)

Remember don't drink too much. U won't know what will happen.

Those staying home. Same as the guys, buy sodas Red Bull and Chips,

Or you can go to guys house and have fun playing games. Errr what kind of games i don't know.....


Last advice:
Either of you.....
Remember to bring condom. Happie New Year!!!!!