Her smile seemed to light up my day.
She had just walked out of the office tower where she worked but looked like she had just walked out of a make-over. Whereas I, with my Armani tie half-loosened, and God knows what else, was standing there waiting for her with my filthy, half-smoked cigarette. I'll have to quit that habit soon....
"Hi bunny", she smirked. GAWD why is she so happy? Unconsciously I smiled back.
"Hiya baby", I managed, taking her document bag from her. "I didn't manage to collect the car on time, so it's still at the workshop. Let's take a cab, shall we?"
"Can we walk to the Esplanade and skip the peak hour traffic? I haven't been there since the opening and I'd really like to go again to have a look. It's just so beautiful there!"
I tried to hide my wince. But I couldn't disappoint her sweet anticipation. She did have a point though. Catching a cab at this hour would be like would be like catching a fly with a pair of chopsticks.
The journey made her document bag seem to weigh like a tonne of bricks. However, her light-hearted cheeriness and animated chatter made my heart flutter weightlessly. How could someone describing how her boss tripping over the photocopier power cord look like such an angel?
We reached the Esplanade in no time, although not without my tie being taken off and my shirt tucked out, while she still had her suit jacket on and of course, that million dollar smile. Correction. No amount of money could replace that smile.
Feeling slightly peckish, I muttered if we could grab a bite. She said she would prepare something when we got home and I immediately rescinded my request. She made the simplest meals fit for a king, and I thank God everyday that I was her king. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I say even without my stomach she's there to stay.
We seated ourselves on an empty bench. I couldn't help but ask, "Baby, how do you do it?"
"Do what, bunny?"
"Make me so happy..... so effortlessly!"
I thought the smile when she greeted me earlier was flawless. Yet she managed to surprise me with yet another smile that was even more flawless when she heard that, if that was possible. It was a rhetorical question. Yet I was puzzled. Maybe I shouldn't question why. If only she knew how happy I was.
She leaned against me amorously. Since I wondered if I stank like sweat and smokes, I shifted uncomfortably.
As if reading my thoughts: "How much did you smoke today, bunny?", she asked dreamily.
"Too much...." Wrong, but truthful answer. Her frown made me wince the second time since seeing her but what she said made me want to slap myself.
"I love you anyway you know that right?"
Damn, she's good. Ok, I'm quitting.
The rest of the evening was spent in a silence that was soothing, even satisfying. I even wondered what I would do if she ever failed to be part of my life. I shuddered at the thought, and mentally chidded myself at my pessimism. Again, as if reading my thoughts, she snuggled up even closer, her thoughts intimated that she would never leave me. I believed her.
When we finally got home I was an absolute wreck. I must be getting old, 10 hour days in the office seemed more labourous than a 7 day field camp with my old commando buddies. She, of course got undressed and went into the kitchen to whip up some goodies for her husband, whom thankfully, was me.
The hot water splashing on my face was the second best thing I felt all day. The best of course, was her gentle touch and mind-boggling smile. My thoughts drifted to when i first met her. She was, and still is, the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on. For the first time that day, I smiled so uninhibitedly that I was thankful I was in the privacy of my bathroom.